05/01/20 - 3km WU, 4km TT, 3km WD
Resting HR 46
Ave HR 138
Max HR 185
3km WU 15:44 @ 5:15/km
1. 3:59.2 Ave HR 134, Max HR 138
2. 3:57.5 Ave HR 133, Max HR 138
3. 3:53.4 Ave HR 136, Max HR 142
4. 3:48.8 Ave HR 143, Max HR 185
total: 15:38.9
Ave: 3:54.7/km
3km WD 16:26 @ 5:29/km
I think it would be prudent not to try an run the next set of 2km intervals at 4:06's. Probably more sensible at this stage to look at 4:10-15's and keep the 1km intervals at flat 4's to start with. Will see how it feels once I get going.
On a side note, pretty happy with the progress. Don't want to start forcing anything being as I am so close now to my previous peak. I was working very hard to achieve these splits last night. Not sure the Garmin was reading the HR correctly as that is now two paced efforts where the HR has remained pretty low. The 185 was a spike, hence the ave HR staying so low through the course of the overall 10km. (The full 10km was run with no stops, so the tt was a big fartlek as part of the run!)
Also, trying a no meat diet over the next few weeks to see if there is any impact from that. I have noticed I am struggling for protein on the macros so buying some more whey protein supplement today as run out a few weeks ago. Have now cut out all processed sugars too.
Didn't get a chance to look at races yet, hopefully later.
Resting HR 46
Ave HR 138
Max HR 185
3km WU 15:44 @ 5:15/km
1. 3:59.2 Ave HR 134, Max HR 138
2. 3:57.5 Ave HR 133, Max HR 138
3. 3:53.4 Ave HR 136, Max HR 142
4. 3:48.8 Ave HR 143, Max HR 185
total: 15:38.9
Ave: 3:54.7/km
3km WD 16:26 @ 5:29/km
I think it would be prudent not to try an run the next set of 2km intervals at 4:06's. Probably more sensible at this stage to look at 4:10-15's and keep the 1km intervals at flat 4's to start with. Will see how it feels once I get going.
On a side note, pretty happy with the progress. Don't want to start forcing anything being as I am so close now to my previous peak. I was working very hard to achieve these splits last night. Not sure the Garmin was reading the HR correctly as that is now two paced efforts where the HR has remained pretty low. The 185 was a spike, hence the ave HR staying so low through the course of the overall 10km. (The full 10km was run with no stops, so the tt was a big fartlek as part of the run!)
Also, trying a no meat diet over the next few weeks to see if there is any impact from that. I have noticed I am struggling for protein on the macros so buying some more whey protein supplement today as run out a few weeks ago. Have now cut out all processed sugars too.
Didn't get a chance to look at races yet, hopefully later.