Many years ago, Jodie Foster starred in a movie called Bugsy Malone. In that movie there was a scene where a song was created around the line, “So you want to be a boxer”. Well, I have waited many a year to be able to coin the phrase, “So you want to be a runner”.
Sport is a wonderous thing, it brings so much to our lives, if we allow it in. Participating in any sport brings a whole new definition to life when one works with things in the correct manner. With my own enjoyment of sport, I have been involved in the odd flutter of interest when it comes to sports betting, and I have also been largely involved in getting people to get the most out of the sport of running via their participation and preparing to excel according to their goals.
Time-to-Run .. So you want to be a runner
When making the decision to start exercising, the first and most important thing we advise, is to allocate time to exercise. This may seem obvious, however it is important to establish the time of day when you will exercise.
The time allocated should not be interfered with, it should never become a stress to you. The time allocated is to serve a purpose and must be respected.
Routine . Routine . Routine – Equals Consistency
One aspect about achieving success in anything you do, is achieving consistency. Establishing a routine and then sticking to it, builds up confidence in what you are doing as well as confidence in yourself to achieve the goals you have set. In the early days of establishing a training routine, your motivation is very much an emotion of positivity. To maintain the routine once you become tired and the positive energy begins to wain, is the secret behind having established a routine in the first place. Sticking to routine should give you a sense of satisfaction, and with endorphins being produced, you should finish sessions feeling a euphoria and a sense of well-being, even if you started off the session feeling tired at the start.
Planning rewards
Planning rewards for what you are doing is most important, you need to reward yourself, be it an ice cream once a week or a snack. There must be a system of reward in place. So, you may buy yourself something for sticking to your training routine at the end of a training cycle, these aspects are most important, as it serves as a sense of motivation.
An extra sense of achievement is working towards those long-term goals and achieving the goal you had set out to do. Even if you fall short of a time based goal, you need to give yourself credit for sticking to your program.
Credit goes a long way
When you fall short of a goal, the training that you have done goes a long way in establishing a foundation for future endeavours. Past training sessions are a definite credit to your bank of training.
In conclusion
Once you have decided on when you shall be exercising, you need to check that you have the correct attire. Shoes and clothing. You also need to know your starting point and ending point, and whether there are refreshment stations along the training route. Water taps normally do the trick. Don’t train on a route that is too hilly to start, save a hilly route for when you have built up some form of fitness. Before starting on your routine, make sure you have a safe route and if possible bring in a training partner.
So there you have it. All rather simple. Now get out there and go do it, and above all enjoy.
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