Hi TheEd,
I hope that you are family are keeping well during this difficult time.
It has been a few years since I was last on these forums, as you can probably tell from the last posts we shared.
A very brief history, Married May 2016, Child 1 April 2017, Child 2 June 2019, not much running and a whole lot less sleep!
Finding time to run and run consistently has been difficult and of course family has now taken priority, there had been some spells of a month or 2 where I've manged to run a few times a week (either to work or home from work) but I had a breakthrough back in January 2020 where I started to run to and from work consistently on pretty much the same route (2.5 miles) and early March had nailed it almost everyday. The runs were steady and just enjoyed getting some consistency back. I was ill end of March and I'll never really know what it was but it knocked me off my feet for a full week and then 2 weeks of being very tired, which just about coincided with lockdown here in the UK.
Then pretty much no running through working from home until July when started working from the office again. Since then its been pretty much the same running to and from work, 2.5 miles easy each way for a total of 5 for the day on average, trying to build up the consistency and the past couple of months its kicked in as I'm running faster, easier and it's very enjoyable! I'll hit 100 miles in October. I've even started an evening run with friends to get in a good hour each week. I feel the frequency of the running has helped bring the fitness back rather than the effort or the mileage.
I would like to target some races but as none really happening and park run off the tables I will just keep going with current schedule and see what happens in the new year, but I would like to start some speed work. I cannot fit in anything like what I was doing before so I am going to incorporate some smaller versions of the 2k, 1k and 400 sessions as and when I can.
I will of course be starting out slowly and just see where things go!