15-10-2015, 03:47 PM
im 40yr male, started doing sport 4 yrs ago with 90kg, but lost one year due to ankle fracture. I feel comfortable running again since last 6 months, although physio says i shouldnt run more then 3/4 times a week. Have done in the last month 10k in 46min24 and 5k in 22min07.
My plan is to do several cycles of the sub45 program with T=4min30 and F=4min20, and long term goal is to reach sub40 10k and lower bodyweight from currently 79 to around 72.
Looking forward to share the results here.
im 40yr male, started doing sport 4 yrs ago with 90kg, but lost one year due to ankle fracture. I feel comfortable running again since last 6 months, although physio says i shouldnt run more then 3/4 times a week. Have done in the last month 10k in 46min24 and 5k in 22min07.
My plan is to do several cycles of the sub45 program with T=4min30 and F=4min20, and long term goal is to reach sub40 10k and lower bodyweight from currently 79 to around 72.
Looking forward to share the results here.