Good day coach,
Sorry I couldn't add more info earlier cause I was in a rush, had a busy day today.
I'm very happy with the results. The first 2K was quite nice and easy... only in The 3rd K did I feel the strain, I've noticed this happens usually when my pulse goes above 170.
Last K I adjusted accordingly to my feel, pulse dropped but the pace had increased as intended.
Overall it's a great closure to the First cycle of sub 50 program...
Before the start of the cycle ,
4k TT 20:04 avg Pace 5:01
Now it's 19:19...avg pace 4:50...
Thank You coach...
Cycle 1 sub 50
Day 21
Waking Pulse=50
30 mins easy
Avg pace =6'54
Avg pulse=124
Cycle 1 completed far so good, the program is very practical and easy to follow. Very happy with it, blends in quite well with my daily routine. Looking forward to cycle 2, Day 1 tomorrow...
remember for the future not to focus on the days tor events that don't go well, as there will always be a few setbacks but in the long run you will improve and learn more about your body and your running
Overall, quite happy that i could maintain the pace eventhough I used my gps watch as a guide, used a pace alert to maintain within the boundary of 4'50 to 4'45. It helped a lot and I didnt feel like i was rushing to chase the time.
for my all my runs, Im using my housing areas local roads. runs are always done in the very early in the morning 4.45am onwards when there are very very few cars. The Roads are properly lit with street lights , since i dont have a proper track, sometimes it's hard to keep track of pace so i reverted to using my gps to maintain pace.