08-09-2010, 12:36 PM
I had programmed to start a new cycle yesterday but I woke up with a back pain (trapezious again http://www.time-to-run.com/forums/showpo...tcount=120).
This morning looks better but not good enough for a run. Letôs see how it improves up to tomorrow and then we decide what to do towards the 10k race on the 19th.
I was able to run the past days a few easy runs. Not as much as I wanted because had a trip to hometown (Holiday here yesterday). I also believe that this back pain may be consequence of Mondayôs 6-hour drive return here.
Foot looks better, also my calf.
I had programmed to start a new cycle yesterday but I woke up with a back pain (trapezious again http://www.time-to-run.com/forums/showpo...tcount=120).
This morning looks better but not good enough for a run. Letôs see how it improves up to tomorrow and then we decide what to do towards the 10k race on the 19th.
I was able to run the past days a few easy runs. Not as much as I wanted because had a trip to hometown (Holiday here yesterday). I also believe that this back pain may be consequence of Mondayôs 6-hour drive return here.
Foot looks better, also my calf.