Good day coach,
Mon 21/6
Avg pace=5'50
Avg Pulse =131
Tues 22/6
Avg Pace=5'50
Avg Pulse=133
Wed 23/6
Avg Pace=5'43
Avg Pulse=135
Thurs 24/6/21
Avg Pace=6'20
Avg Pulse=129
Fri 25/6/21
4X2k+90" recovery
Duration /Pace / Avg Pulse / Max Pulse /
9'48 / 4'53 / 152 / 166
9'49 / 4'54 / 155 / 172
10'06/ 5'03 / 157 / 176
10'02 / 5'01 / 161 / 179
Avg Pace = 4' 57
Avg Pulse= 156
Recovery was 90"( lite walk+ jog last 15 seconds before running)
no/ avg pulse/ Lowest Pulse
1/ 132 / 102
2/ 143 / 120
3/ 145 / 123
4/ 153 / 129
The 2k session was hard and I did my best...
Felt strong on the recovery...
The last 2 rep was a bit slower... Lol...
I ran by feel with emphasis on form, running tall, good arm movement, and cadence.
Just slightly disappointed
I cant move from the 4'45 pace bracket for the 2k repeats ... Need to be patient... and work harder.
other than that...
For this week
I'm really enjoying my easy runs and the 60-70 min runs...
Resting pulse is at a constant 45 bpm .
One Issue
I'm having some tightness on my left hamstring, suspect I might have got it from playing football with my son or possibly running... or both
Touch wood, so far all the easy runs and the 70 mins run were ok... just minimal strains during the run
it's Only at certain times running do I feel the strain or bite,
The tightness runs from the top left glutes down towards the upper part of the thigh.
It just
Feels like an ant bite l when I'm running, sitting ...or standing
I can do hamstring curls, bridging with out issues so far...
Walking up and down the stairs no issues too.
Most of the times its not bothering only when I'm stretching to touch my toes...
Today in my 2k runs, sometimes I felt it but not all the time...will keep on monitoring it coach...
Have a good weekend coach
P/s just realized I might have inadvertently slowed my runs cause of the niggles in the left hamstring...
Just looking forward towards Sunday Long run
Mon 21/6
Avg pace=5'50
Avg Pulse =131
Tues 22/6
Avg Pace=5'50
Avg Pulse=133
Wed 23/6
Avg Pace=5'43
Avg Pulse=135
Thurs 24/6/21
Avg Pace=6'20
Avg Pulse=129
Fri 25/6/21
4X2k+90" recovery
Duration /Pace / Avg Pulse / Max Pulse /
9'48 / 4'53 / 152 / 166
9'49 / 4'54 / 155 / 172
10'06/ 5'03 / 157 / 176
10'02 / 5'01 / 161 / 179
Avg Pace = 4' 57
Avg Pulse= 156
Recovery was 90"( lite walk+ jog last 15 seconds before running)
no/ avg pulse/ Lowest Pulse
1/ 132 / 102
2/ 143 / 120
3/ 145 / 123
4/ 153 / 129
The 2k session was hard and I did my best...
Felt strong on the recovery...
The last 2 rep was a bit slower... Lol...
I ran by feel with emphasis on form, running tall, good arm movement, and cadence.
Just slightly disappointed
I cant move from the 4'45 pace bracket for the 2k repeats ... Need to be patient... and work harder.
other than that...
For this week
I'm really enjoying my easy runs and the 60-70 min runs...
Resting pulse is at a constant 45 bpm .
One Issue
I'm having some tightness on my left hamstring, suspect I might have got it from playing football with my son or possibly running... or both
Touch wood, so far all the easy runs and the 70 mins run were ok... just minimal strains during the run
it's Only at certain times running do I feel the strain or bite,
The tightness runs from the top left glutes down towards the upper part of the thigh.
It just
Feels like an ant bite l when I'm running, sitting ...or standing
I can do hamstring curls, bridging with out issues so far...
Walking up and down the stairs no issues too.
Most of the times its not bothering only when I'm stretching to touch my toes...
Today in my 2k runs, sometimes I felt it but not all the time...will keep on monitoring it coach...
Have a good weekend coach
P/s just realized I might have inadvertently slowed my runs cause of the niggles in the left hamstring...
Just looking forward towards Sunday Long run