Thank you very much coach.. I
'm actually very happy of discovering this site and doing the 10k program. The funny thing is I had bookmarked this site maybe 2 years ago on my workplace desktop and probably had a glance of the program but i cant recall why i didn't go deeper and discover the forums. Only last year when i was going through my bookmarks that I went to the forums... wah... this was exactly what i was looking for a 10k program...
sometimes things happen in a fuuny way...
tc coach...
'm actually very happy of discovering this site and doing the 10k program. The funny thing is I had bookmarked this site maybe 2 years ago on my workplace desktop and probably had a glance of the program but i cant recall why i didn't go deeper and discover the forums. Only last year when i was going through my bookmarks that I went to the forums... wah... this was exactly what i was looking for a 10k program...
sometimes things happen in a fuuny way...
tc coach...