I have been following this forum for some time now and i've done some cycles of the 10K Sub 40 program, but i've mostly implementing the key days of the program to my "own" routine as i go by feeling from week to week.
First started running in 2019, i ran about three months back then but i stopped and started bicycling, but in October 2020 i started running again and i got addicted.
Building up to grinding 40-50km a week during this winter was really fun (i stayed motivated even in -20 celcius), i'm now having about 4-5 runs per week and about 8 hours total training pr week including cycling.
17th April i ran a solo 10km time trail on a road about with 65m elevation difference and a 180 turn around at 5km.
Time: 39:45 (3:58 pr km average)
1 km: 4:00 @ 171 BPM (slight uphill start, 3:53 gap)
2 km: 4:01 @ 177 bpm
3 km: 3:55 @ 181 bpm
4 km: 3:56 @ 179 bpm
5 km: 4:02 @ 184 bpm
6 km: 4:01 @ 185 bpm
7 km: 4:03 @ 185 bpm
8 km: 4:01 @ 187 bpm
9 km: 4:00 @ 188 bpm
10 km: 3:46 @ 193 bpm
It felt really good until the 4th kilometer but at the 5th kilometer i got the stitch (not sure of the english word, but pain in the stomach area), this was a psychologial breakdown and i was thinking that this is never going to end well.
But i remained calm and relaxed, this was something i have been training for. I was looking forward for a slight downhill that would only last for half a minute or so this was uplifting, and then i was laser focused on the pace and got into more positive thinking.
All my training data consists of heart rate belt monitoring, i have been using multiple types of wrist hr clocks before but i have concluded that these are really not accurate enough.
29 Year old Male, around 70 kg, 175 cm.
30 March 2021
Last 2k's (on a track)
4 x 2km and 1 x 1 km (90sec rest)
1st 2k (3:55 @ 171 bpm ave):
3:58 min pr km, 164 bpm
3:51 min pr km, 178 bpm
2nd 2k (3:57 @ 177 bpm ave)
4:02 min pr km, 172 bpm
3:51 min pr km, 183 bpm
3rd 2k (3:59 @ 179 bpm ave):
4:03 min pr km, 175 bpm
3:55 min pr km, 183 bpm
4th 2k (4:00 @ 179 bpm ave):
3:58 min pr km, 175 bpm
4:02 min pr km, 182 bpm
Hard 1km finish:
3:47 min pr km, 179 bpm
I ran a harder 1km instead of the last 2k's because i wanted to make it like a finish on a potential race, and i was going for a longer bike ride in the evening on the same day so i did not want to push to hard.
8th April 2021
Last 6 x 1km (60 sec rest) on a road
1 km, 3:43 min pr km (165 bpm ave)
2 km, 3:48 min pr km (173 bpm)
3 km, 3:38 min pr km (174 bpm)
4 km, 3:49 min pr km (176 bpm)
5 km, 3:38 min pr km (176 bpm)
6 km, 3:43 min pr km (180 bpm)
13th March 2021
5km paced (19:02):
1 km, 3:49 (165 bpm ave)
2 km, 3:51 (176 bpm)
3 km, 3:44 (179 bpm)
4 km, 3:55 (185 bpm)
5 km, 3:44 (189 bpm)
I ran too fast this day but i felt good and this was slight downhill the first part.
So what next?
Aim for SUB 39 10k and sub 18 min 5km maybe?
Please let me know your toughts and maybe what my training paces should be " alt="
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