Yep, I always wear a mask. Finished the naked 7km run today. Final time was 28:34 on the chip (Garmin said 28:39 for 7.02km). That was exactly where I wanted to be, so I am satisfied. It was -10 out there, so it was a good effort, I think, especially because I'm not in great physical shape at the moment.
The groin felt fine while running, but was a bit tight after, so I think I will continue to take it easy for a little while longer. I have been doing easy runs every other day, and will keep doing that until I feel 100% I think.
Hope you are having a happy end to your year, Coach. Groin still isn't 100%, but it is good enough that I have started (very slowly) increasing my mileage. I am hoping to be in training shape by Feb 1, which gives me about five weeks to work everything out. Fingers crossed.
Well, the good news is that the past few runs have been irritation free. The bad news is that I am kind of fat and not in very good shape. I am going to stick to my plan for fear of re-aggravating the injury and also because I need to get back into shape. I am building up my mileage now and will try for a 4k on Jan 27 and starting a training cycle on Jan 30th. Provided everything goes according to plan, of course.
Weekly check-in time! I'm still running and things are moving along, but I can still...feel the groin strain? It doesn't hurt, and running doesn't seem to aggravate it, but I can feel it, and my right leg gets tired sooner than my left. I am making sure to not upset anything, so I am considering moving back my return to actual training by a week.
I am going to play it by ear, because I still have two more weeks of recovery following my original schedule, so everything might be fine by then, but I would rather lose a week now than end up getting hurt and losing another couple months in the future. As always I will keep you posted.
Hey Coach. Hope all is well. Not great here. I tried to add a little speed training and the groin started getting really sore again. I went to the orthopedist who said that there isn't anything 'serious' wrong, but that I really need to take it easy until it is healed.
I'm pretty frustrated, but I also think that I probably should have lightened up earlier rather than continuing to push it while injured. Anyway, I am going to rest for a while, do the exercises that the doc recommended and hope for the best. I will keep you posted. If I don't see results shortly I am going to get a second opinion, but for the next two weeks or so I am going to lie low.
Not an auspicious start to 2018, but with luck this will all get taken care of soon enough and I will be back out there soon.