04-09-2016, 08:43 AM
Hello TheEd
It's been a topsy turvy time for me. I haven't really improved since my last post (times dropped) which I put down to missing the odd session due to niggles (the odd session is a lot when you run 3 times a week!) and dropping the biking sessions. However August has been a good training month, I have been running every other day (50k weeks) and believe I am finally back to where I was. I'm going to add the bike sessions back in at very low intensity and see how it goes.
I've been practicing starting the intervals slow and finishing fast as you advised. I struggled with this approach until I realized that how fast you go in the intervals doesn't really affect fitness its the overall training volume that does that. I came to realize that the value in intervals is the ability to practice race form (as you have stated time and again but we fail to listen
). I applied the practice in a recent race (hilly 10k at the end of August) and was able to run relaxed and take 5 seconds out of a competitor on the finishing straight. Intervals are far more fun to run this wayand less stressfull.
I finished the 10k race in 39:18. Its got 150m of climbing in it which I reckon equates to 38:18 on the flat. I think I need to learn to race at a higher effort. I've managed to average 183BPM before but this time only 178BPM.
Next race is early October when I really hope to go sub 38.
It's been a topsy turvy time for me. I haven't really improved since my last post (times dropped) which I put down to missing the odd session due to niggles (the odd session is a lot when you run 3 times a week!) and dropping the biking sessions. However August has been a good training month, I have been running every other day (50k weeks) and believe I am finally back to where I was. I'm going to add the bike sessions back in at very low intensity and see how it goes.
I've been practicing starting the intervals slow and finishing fast as you advised. I struggled with this approach until I realized that how fast you go in the intervals doesn't really affect fitness its the overall training volume that does that. I came to realize that the value in intervals is the ability to practice race form (as you have stated time and again but we fail to listen

I finished the 10k race in 39:18. Its got 150m of climbing in it which I reckon equates to 38:18 on the flat. I think I need to learn to race at a higher effort. I've managed to average 183BPM before but this time only 178BPM.
Next race is early October when I really hope to go sub 38.