(05-09-2019, 12:57 AM)MarkCo Wrote: Well done on the PB Johan! Half a minute is a decent amount to take off.
So close to sub-45 - less than 1 second a kilometre!! You'll smash that mark next time" alt="
" title="
Thanks MarkCo! Still work to be done but progress is being made!
(05-09-2019, 07:52 AM)TheEd Wrote: hi johan, with that heat you would feel it later on in the race
a PB is a PB, so congrats on that
with a few more cycles we should look at going sub 44:00 to 44:30 as that should be achievable if you get close to around 21:00 to 21:30 for 5k
the training is progressive, so don't get stuck on the sub 45
on we go
Hi Ed, you’re absolutely right. I’ll just go through the cycles looking to improve and I’ll get there. I am doing better than ever in training it’s just a bit of a mental thing. But luckily the progress is clearly there also in the races.
I’ve now done 3 cycles and a 2 week build-up, should I take it a bit easy? I feel fine btw but better to prevent overtraining and fatigue. Half marathon is October 13th.
Also, can I just do the same cycle for the 21k, with some longer long runs?
Thanks already for all the help!