27-07-2020, 06:25 PM
(11-07-2020, 05:41 AM)TheEd Wrote: Hi wookie, the pulse on a run can jump allover the place .. the most important pulse to monitor is your morning pulse .. how are you feeling now? the pulse going over 225 surely cannot be accurate" alt="
" title="
a bit of a mess-up with the training BUT as long as you recover OK
I'll start watching the morning pulse, will report back.
Went camping with the family the day before "race day" which should have been Saturday July 18th. Was no where that I could have done a paced run. Did a 40 min slow session, on race day through some trails, was home 5 days later stiff and sore (wakeboarded on the lake) on Wednesday July 22nd, booked a family swim session at our YMCA as we can now access via appointment and tweaked my back a bit. Probably was sore from camping, boat activities, lots of car time etc. Left the following morning back to the campsite and got back last night Sunday July 26th.
Today is Monday July 27th, going to start the program again today from day 1. Back feels fine.
I leave on Monday August 17th for final family vacation, so have enough time to go through the cycle again.
Will update - thanks again!