19-07-2009, 07:16 PM
Hello, Im fairly new and undisciplined when it comes to running but would love to get a sub 40 time in the great yorkshire 10k on 6th sept. I run twice at week with no training plan in place. An example of what i can run is:
Road: (with some inclines) 5.4km in 20mins 30 secs, this pace would get me 40 min 45 secs in 10km- i wasn't feeling my best on this run.
Treadmill: 4km in 14 mins 40 secs with an incline of 2.
I do train in the gym a few times a week a little weights and circuits. I don't own a HR monitor. Do you think I should do those 2 km circuits I've read about? The race is 7 weeks today!! Do you think I'm being over amibitious? My girlfriend does
Any tips would be appreciated.
Road: (with some inclines) 5.4km in 20mins 30 secs, this pace would get me 40 min 45 secs in 10km- i wasn't feeling my best on this run.
Treadmill: 4km in 14 mins 40 secs with an incline of 2.
I do train in the gym a few times a week a little weights and circuits. I don't own a HR monitor. Do you think I should do those 2 km circuits I've read about? The race is 7 weeks today!! Do you think I'm being over amibitious? My girlfriend does

Any tips would be appreciated.