01-06-2010, 07:11 PM
Hey TheEd,
Bike went well, although too much stop/start due to bike problems along way - on the whole a tough workout. 40Km of this was through the Dalby Forest via the Red Route where they recently held the MTB world championships - a lot of climbing throughout the entire journey.
Dist: Approx 85Km
Time: 5.5hrs
Hard on the body all over. Had one stack, over handle bars, front teeth into lower lip - handsome, blood everywhere!
Developed sore right knee approaching half way, above outside knee cap, right where the ITB joins knee - might have been an impact, reminded me a little of ITB syndrome had many years ago when trainined for the LDN marathon - dare say you are familiar with this - might have to see how this develops over next 24hrs.
Going to walk and stretch tomorrow, see how things pan out for Thurs. Energy levels for a quality run on Thurs might be pushing it - reckon Fri might be the one with maybe a waddle instead on Thurs. Hope your good, any feedback gladly received,
Cheers for now,
Bike went well, although too much stop/start due to bike problems along way - on the whole a tough workout. 40Km of this was through the Dalby Forest via the Red Route where they recently held the MTB world championships - a lot of climbing throughout the entire journey.
Dist: Approx 85Km
Time: 5.5hrs
Hard on the body all over. Had one stack, over handle bars, front teeth into lower lip - handsome, blood everywhere!
Developed sore right knee approaching half way, above outside knee cap, right where the ITB joins knee - might have been an impact, reminded me a little of ITB syndrome had many years ago when trainined for the LDN marathon - dare say you are familiar with this - might have to see how this develops over next 24hrs.
Going to walk and stretch tomorrow, see how things pan out for Thurs. Energy levels for a quality run on Thurs might be pushing it - reckon Fri might be the one with maybe a waddle instead on Thurs. Hope your good, any feedback gladly received,
Cheers for now,