13-08-2009, 08:08 PM
Hows it going? Hope you are well...
Back in the fold at last, well, until the final phase of the bathroom next week!
Back to work today after 6 days away - done a v.slow 4miler with lady at work - took us 45 mins - was good to run really slow! Really enjoyed it. Did a few leg weights afterwards as I want to try and build in some resistance training to help with technique and power - how do you advise I build this in? Do you think I should wait until winter for this?
I'm toying on entering a fast, flat 10K race scheduled for Sunday 6th of Sept - it might not work out as other plans for a surf lesson may take precedent, however if it doesn't (which there is a high probability it won't due to conditions) I will run and therefore want to train up for it. On this basis I will need to start the 19 day cycle on the 19th August, basically next Wed.
I've also entered a 10k on Fri 18th Sept - am definatley down for this.
How do you reckon I should tick over until next Wed when I start the fresh 19 day cycle? Any suggestions?
Hope to hear from you soon,
Back in the fold at last, well, until the final phase of the bathroom next week!
Back to work today after 6 days away - done a v.slow 4miler with lady at work - took us 45 mins - was good to run really slow! Really enjoyed it. Did a few leg weights afterwards as I want to try and build in some resistance training to help with technique and power - how do you advise I build this in? Do you think I should wait until winter for this?
I'm toying on entering a fast, flat 10K race scheduled for Sunday 6th of Sept - it might not work out as other plans for a surf lesson may take precedent, however if it doesn't (which there is a high probability it won't due to conditions) I will run and therefore want to train up for it. On this basis I will need to start the 19 day cycle on the 19th August, basically next Wed.
I've also entered a 10k on Fri 18th Sept - am definatley down for this.
How do you reckon I should tick over until next Wed when I start the fresh 19 day cycle? Any suggestions?
Hope to hear from you soon,