07-08-2015, 08:33 AM
recover from this 5k run and look to put in recovery runs of up to 1hr
over the next number of months we should look to improve aerobic conditioning, so it will allow you to race events to close to one another.
The program is aimed at being a 3 week cycle, so do not be too disappointed with the performance as things can only get better once consistency is achieved
make sure you calf muscle is not stiff when progressing further with faster running
provide feedback and let's see how things go
over the next number of months we should look to improve aerobic conditioning, so it will allow you to race events to close to one another.
The program is aimed at being a 3 week cycle, so do not be too disappointed with the performance as things can only get better once consistency is achieved
make sure you calf muscle is not stiff when progressing further with faster running
provide feedback and let's see how things go