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Altitude Training Camp

Secunda is one of two towns in the province with a tartan track. Most of the time the track is empty and athletes and coaches can train privately to their hearts desire at any time of the day.

There is also a good grass track nearby where long sessions and intervals can be done if the athletes want to spare the legs from the pounding of a hard surface.

We have a very well equipped gymnasium. You can train there as early as half past five in the morning up till ten at night. They have an area with free weights and benches, an area with machines and pulleys, treadmills, bikes, swimming pool, sauna, rowing machines and a studio if you want to do some drills indoors.

At the Lodge where most athletes will stay for accommodation there is a deep indoor pool where water exercises and aqua jogging can be done.

There is also a sport club with lots of football fields. This is an excellent place for Fartlek or for the injured runner.

A great training feature of the town is the wonderful routes for long runs. Many flat routes as well as routes with long hills. We've got gravel routes, tar and soil. We've got short routes and long ones. We've got scenic ones and less scenic ones. To be honest, they have them all.

Personal Route [ according to Francois Pretorius - Bronze medalist 1500m SA Champs ] One of my favourite routes is on the Northern side of town. You run past a few Zulu huts and sometimes the children would run with you for a few 100 meters. Then you run pass herds of cattle grazing in the fields. Meanwhile you would first climb a 300m hill. Then sometimes you have to stop for a brief moment to first find a place to cross a small stream. After that, you can choose to run a 2km hill or turn after 500m uphill only to find another 1km hill after a 1km downhill. The hills aren't very steep but nevertheless very challenging and great for endurance. Before you open your eyes and you are back at the Lodge, having done a 16km route.

Wide open tar roads
The Secunda Tartan Track
Off Road Splendour

click on images above to enlarge

In short, you will get:
1. Tartan track
2. Grass track
3. Grass fields
4. Gymnasium
5. Pool
6. Excellent routes for long runs
7. Pacers even for training
8. Great weather
9. Privacy at training






After training entertainment
About 200m from the stadium is Umuzi Lodge. The lodge is situated on the banks of a small lake. Accommodation is in African style architecture but very luxurious. There is a swimming pool and every hut has a fireplace for traditional South African barbeques.

And now the price. Because the town is not near a city or on the main tourism routes the accommodation is very cheap in European or American standards. Prices are between 13-30 Euro per night depending on the size of the group!

50m from the Lodge is a restaurant on the water's edge with great meals at very special prices. A meal fit for a king would only cost about 5 Euro.

For some relaxation there is a Casino very close to the place of accommodation. Athletes and coaches can go gamble, play games, golf or even race one another on the go-car circuit.

In town center there is a cinema, theatre and lots of restaurants and shops. There are shops where you can buy training shoes and clothing.

Medical facilities in Secunda:
- Private Clinic (1km from Lodge)
- Private Hospital (5km from Lodge)
- Doctors
- Dentists
- Physiotherapists
- Emergency services

Part of the HAT service is to make your training stay pleasant and rewarding.

Train-Camps section