Ababel Yeshaneh New WR in RAK half
UAE - Incredible competition today in Ras al Khaimah Half Marathon lead to the surprise world record in the half marathon of 1h04:31 by Ethiopia's Ababel Yeshaneh. … [Read More...]

Records at Ras Al Khaimah Half Marathon 2019
UAE - The reputation of the Ras Al Khaimah Half Marathon was enhanced in spectacular style today, with a record 11 men breaking the one-hour barrier, while three women battled for supremacy in a finishing sprint that put them all under 66 minutes. … [Read More...]

Fancy Chemutai sets new RAK Half Marathon record
Two course records, a world record and a very near miss were a very solid return on a day of more superb running and riveting racing at the 12th edition of the RAK Half Marathon today. Record-size mass fields and enormous depth to the elite groups, meant a special day was more or less guaranteed, … [Read More...]

UAE - The reputation of the Ras Al Khaimah Half Marathon was enhanced in spectacular style … [Read More...]

Two course records, a world record and a very near miss were a very solid return on a day … [Read More...]

With the 12th edition of the super-fast RAK Half Marathon due to take place in the UAE on … [Read More...]

Kolkata, 17 December 2017 - Ethiopian running icon Kenenisa Bekele fell short of his … [Read More...]

Delhi, India - Fast times will be the obvious target of all the top runners at the 13th … [Read More...]

MoRunning is calling on runners to don their moustaches as MoRunning returns to cities … [Read More...]
Half Marathon

UAE - Incredible competition today in Ras al Khaimah Half Marathon lead to the surprise … [Read More...]