sub 50 minutes 10k – Firstly, what must be understood is that in order for you to run sub 50 minutes for 10Km, you must be able to run below 5 minutes per kilometer for the distance.
sub 50 minutes for 10Km Training Program
Now the reason we mention this, is that you will have to train at a pace faster than this speed on occasions. So, if your running has consisted of slow distance running, it is time for change. A time for a change of attitude and a new fresh approach towards your training. What we are looking at to start with, is being able to run 5Km’s in 4min 50sec per kilometer.
This will give you an overall 5K time of 24:10. Added into your training will be sessions at this speed as well. Your components now consist of running at 10K pace, running at 5K pace and then add to this a long run of 1Hr 45min and you are ready to progress towards your objective. Now, the secret to your training should be to balance your training with your lifestyle. Your running must never become too much for you. You must always be able to do the sessions asked of you, if you miss a training session you can’t make it up. There is no going back to make up for what you have missed. Doing this is what normally leads to injuries. Other 10k Training Programs available:
- sub 31 min 10k training program
- sub 33 min 10k Training Program
- sub 35 min 10k Training Program
- sub 40 min 10k Training Program
- sub 45 min 10k Training Program
- sub 55 min 10k training program
- sub 60 min 10k training program
10km Program Tips
Forums for our 10k Training Programs – Feedback and Advice
Training explanations and must do’s below schedule
sub 50 minute 10K – 10k Training Program
Training Program towards a sub 50 minute 10K
Day |
Your Comments
01 | 60 to 70min easy distance | ||
02 | 30min easy run | ||
03 | start with 3x2k R90-2min 9min 50 (4.55 per k) T | ||
04 | Rest | ||
05 | longest run – ‘time on feet’ up to 1Hr 45min | ||
06 | easy day of 30min running | ||
07 | easy day of 30min running | ||
08 | start with 5x1k R60 – 90 4min 45 to 4min50 L | ||
09 | easy day of 30min running | ||
10 | easy day of 30min running | ||
11 | Rest | ||
12 | 5K paced run – aim sub 25min 5k | ||
13 | 10k easy run | ||
14 | easy day of 30min running | ||
15 | start with 3 x 5min @ 10k pace with 1min easy F | ||
16 | easy day of 30min running | ||
17 | easy day of 30min running | ||
18 | Rest | ||
19 | Race day up to 15K | ||
* | easy recovery after race. 20 – 30min | ||
** | 2nd easy day after race. 30min | ||
*** | final easy run after race. 30min | ||
Training explanations and must do’s : T stands for 10K pace development L stands for 5K pace development R = Rest F is for Fartlek
Easy running is important for recovery and preparation before a harder day. Easy is at a pace where you are able to talk [“talk-test”] All quality sessions must be preceded with a warm up and stretching, and it is recommended that you warm down as well.
This is a 3 week cycle and after every 3 weeks you are able to run a race, up to 15K. It is not recommended that you use this program to race above 15k. If you have raced 21k’s before continue to do so, but do not look to this program to achieve great results, as your long runs in this program are not sufficient for a ‘great’ effort over 21K. After your race day, it is imperative that you use the next 3 days as recovery.
The 5K paced run, you should not run faster than 24mins on these days. If you want to run a hard 5K then you must do so on the race day. Adhere to this advice for success with the program.
After 2-3 months on this program, it is recommended that you take a break from this schedule. The break should be for 2-3 weeks and during this time you should take a break from running for 3-4 days and then come back to running by building up to distance runs without any quality sessions [ The Off Training Period followed by The Build Up Period ]
Print out the program and fill in your comments and under ‘effort’ fill in your ‘perceived’ effort for each session. rate your effort from 1 to 5, with 5 the hardest and 1 the easiest. [This is NB] For Printable Program : Click here
Finally, this program is not recommended for a ‘beginner’ was has not got a background of running. It is recommended that you have a reasonable amount of ‘running’ without injury before attempting this program.
Further data has been added to the Training section about fartlek, ‘build-ups‘ and methods.
Author: Gavin Doyle
Can you please explain day 3 and day 8?
Day 3 .. 3 x 2000m Rest 90 seconds to 2 minutes between each 2k. The 2k pace is 4.55 per k which is 9 minutes 50 seconds for each 2000m
Day 8 .. 5 x 1000m Rest 60 to 90 seconds between each 1k. The 1k pace is 4.45 to 4.50 per k
for further detailed advice and feedback see
Thank you. really appreciate . I run 10K in 60 minutes… Want to run sub 50 minutes.
Want to dry this program.
When you say Rest, should I do a slow walk . For example Day 3 .. 3 x 2000 m. after every 2 K should I stop and do a slow walk or just stay and take rest before starting the next 2K
when you developing take a standstill Rest and take in liquids at this time and prepare mentally for the next 2k
Hi guys, great program – I am following it for a 10k on 7th October and really enjoying the interval session this morning (Day 3) just made it into 4:55 for each km
Can I ask what is probably a stupid question – What is the purpose of the 1Hr 45min ‘time on feet’ session? As I am doing a 10k and hoping to do this in under 50 mins why do I need to run for that amount of time?
Many thanks.
Hi Russ, the 1hr 45 minutes time-on-feet is your aerobic run and is associated to Cardio endurance via the continuous run.
Hi Russ,
So how did you go? Did this program work for you?
Thanks in advance for your feedback!
Hi Lara,
This program worked for me.
Before I got ankle injury, I could run 52 mins.
After injury, the fastest time that i could run was 1 hour 5 minutes.
Three weeks ago I decided to try this program and last week I could run 49 mins.
I notice that the 19th day of the schedule is planned to be race day.What do you do if you have no races planned.Do you do a sub 25min 5k then just take one day easy before commencing the schedulr again
please advise
Hi Steve, you could consider either doing a distance from 5 to 8k or do a 4k time-trial. If you go to the forums – Training Program Feedback .. you will note that the 4k time-trial we recommend at the start of the program.
After the test we then have Day 1 on the Tuesday. We highly recommend achieving the rhythm of the program for best results
Hope this helps
Hi there, would mind please explaining day 15? thanks
Hi George, Day 15 – start with 3 x 5min @ 10k pace with 1min easy F
warm up then 3 times 5 minutes at anticipated 10k pace with 1 minute easy running in-between each fast 5 minutes
register on the running feedback forums if you need more feedback
Thanks TheEd
Could you please tell me what R in the program means .. standing still, walking, or jogging? For example, Day 03: R90-2min.
Thank you in advance,
R = Rest and it all depends on the individual athlete, however the pulse should drop significantly before starting the next ‘repetition’
hope this helps you better understand
How easy should the easy 30 min days be?
Hi Keith, this all according to your level of experience, however the easiest way to understand easy, is that it is at a pace where one is able to talk. Do consider browsing through the forums for replies to the many questions asked there – 10k Training Feedback –
I would like to complement some weight training along with this.
Do you thing adding those in the 30′ easy days, can damage a lot the final results?
Hi Ricardo, you can slot the strength training in on easy days, however we do not recommend such training before the 2k session and before the 1k session. So in Week 1 from Day 2 to Day 8 avoid whereas after day 8 you are able to slot sessions in. Due to the various needs of other athletes we looking to alter the program in the near future showing which days are OK for strength training. We hope this helps
I plan to run a 10k race in 8 weeks time. i really want to get below 48mins (to beat a very competitive show-offs time !). I’m 50 and started running 8 weeks ago. I can run 5k in 25mins. I’m presently running 3 times a week. Tuesday I run 30mins medium effort. Thursday 2k easy warmup then (30 seconds sprint /1 minute walk / 3 minute easy) x 6.
Saturday – long slow run adding 1k each week – currently at 11k at 68 minutes.
Will the sub 50 min program above work for me – or am I still a “beginner”.
Hi Bob, you not exactly a beginner however I would be cautious
consider doing the sub 50 minute 10k program and focus on the sessions between Day 3 to Day 8
you more than welcome to start a thread on the forums – 10k program feedback and then we could provide more detailed feedback according to your needs
make sure to stick to 1 day running 1 day off for now
if you on the forums we can discuss further
Hi there,
First of all I would like to thank you for this schedule.
Today I did ‘Day 3′, but I was only able to complete the first two intervals of 2k. The third one was too much for me and I only did approx. 500meter.
What is your advice? Should I retry this training session in, let’s say two days, or should I just proceed with day 4 (rest) and day 5 (1Hr 45min)?
Your help is appreciated.
Thank you.
Hi Mirjam, simple move onto the next day of the program, do not try to make up, work your way through the cycle and hopefully in the next cycle things work out easier for you
ps.. also see – Training Forums for Feedback –
Hey, I got ankle sprain a month ago (22 Sept 2013) and I just finished my first marathon in 27 Oct 2013 with very slow pace (my marathon time was 5:18, avg pace 7:32min/km). Before I got ankle sprain I could run 10K between 50-52 min. So, is it a good choice if I try this 50sub training?
If yes, could you please tell me the pace in day 1, 2, 5, 6 and 13?
2 minutes per km slower than 10K pace or just as easy as possible?
01 60 to 70min easy distance
02 30min easy run
05 longest run – ‘time on feet’ up to 1Hr 45min
06 easy day of 30min running
13 10k easy run
Thanks in advance
Hi, we would recommend that you do a 4k time-trial to assess your fitness, from this you will be able to see which direction to go in. Drop us a message via info @ and we will also set-up an account for you if you want to use the Training Forums for Feedback –
I run 3 times a week 10km in each time.
last week I did 51 min in a race and I decided that I am going to reduce it.
I read the programme you offer in here and I ask myself if everyone can do it?
personally, I believe myself and my abilities but still know that there is a limit.
can you help me to get some more tips except the programme itself.
Hi there, if you go to the 10k Training program feedback forums, you should be able to see many persons of different abilities training on the program – the forums
also take note of MMS he started at 51:19 –
and then see his very latest post –
this should get you on your way
I read the links you gave to me and it is incredible. I wish I will get a result around the one that this guy got.
I will read more responses written in the forum and I am going for it.
many thanks,
hope I will get the same support and encourage as this guy recieved.
I read the links you gave to me and it is incredible. I wish I will get a result around the one that this guy got.
I will read more responses written in the forum and I am going for it.
many thanks,
hope I will get the same support and encourage as this guy recieved.
Hello TheEd,
I have already read about the progress of some people who are using the programme offered in here and it encourage me to go for it!!!
I am going to do it soon :-).
I will open a thread and hope to get some tips along the way from you.
thank you,
Hi Roee, would you like for us to create a username for you
ps– if yes, send an email to info @
Hello TheEd,
I have already sent an e mail t o the address you gave to me, and the answer was to open an account by myself. how do I do it?
we have responded to this and have created an account for you .. enjoy TheEd
What is the difference between “60 to 70min easy distance” and “easy day of 30min running”? Does easy distance and easy running mean the same thing?
Hi there, it does mean more or less the same, the difference is that when you doing 60 to 70 minutes easy distance, you are doing your longest run, when you do the 30 minutes, you will be feeling as though you want to go faster. This is when you need to keep it to easy running instead of running at a quicker pace, if you had a heart rate monitor, then it would be at a lower heart beat.
Hope this helps
see: for user experiences
Hi Ed,
I was looking for a good training plan to reduce my 10k time below 50min and bumped into your website.
wow!! looks to be a real awesome plan that works for many runners.
My Running Background :-Half marathons = 2:04 -Sept 2014
10k = 55 min (80-90% cautious effort ) – Dec-7 2014
10k run was after a recovery of 5 weeks from a bad calf (Soleus) muscle tear. I feel much better now and focus on having the calves stretched before and after the run.
Goal:-10K below 50min
Please also let me know if I can have an account created so that I could monitor my progress with you .
First Day :-Today was my first day with an easy(talk tested) 10k in 1:04.
Please let me know if I can continue with the sub 50 plan.
see Vijay’s forum thread Sub 50 minute 10k
Hi Ed,
This looks very exciting (and almost too good to be true)! I’m slowly recovering from my first marathon and need a new goal — this looks like just the ticket. I’m already signed up for a 10K in 7 weeks on a nice flat course, and would love to get below 50 minutes. However having plotted the program into my calendar I see a couple obstacles and would like to get your advice on how to adapt:
Day 5 (1h45min long run): I will be travelling that day and don’t have time for a long run. Can I do it on Day 4 instead, or will that be too close upon Day 3?
Day 12 (5K paced run): I’m signed up for a local 10K race that day as well, but it’s a hilly one not suited for a PR. How would you suggest I manage this race in order to get the same effect as the planned 5K pace run?
Thanks a lot!
if you do the 2k session, you need to have a gap before you do the long run, so it would be OK to move it 1 day further, as the 1k session is planned for a Tuesday
you can run the 10k race as you feel, without hurting yourself too much
hope this helps
Hi guys,
great and easy! You took me from 52′ to 49′ in just three weeks!
So I think I can still do a little better. Does it make sense to introduce additional repetitions in the quality sessions, be patient and repeat the plan, or should I switch to a more demanding plan?
Thanks in advance!
you would do well to repeat the cycle and focus on getting the longer run in a good place, and the recovery runs. If you feeling comfortable on the 2k session, then run the last 2k at 5 seconds per km quicker, if you achieve this, then increase the speed of the 1k session. If you would like a user account for the forums, then send us an email with the username you would like. send to info @ time-to-run .com . cheers TheEd
ps.. congrats on your achievement, you may certainly have more to come, so do consider getting involved on the forums
2nd 3-week cycle and again awesome progress. now I’ve got from 49′ to 47′, which means that in 6 week I have improved 5′ in the 10K!!! Not bad progress for a 50-year-old-dude. Thanks for this.
Now the thing is that my next challenge is 1h45′ in a half-marathon by Oct/18 and I have a few questions:
-what do you thing of this goal? is it over or underambitious? (I did 1h54′ last April, before taking a break in the long distances and focusing on the 10K).
-how should I make the transition from the 10K training schedule to the half-marathon training?
-don’t you have half-marathon training programmes? If they work half as good as the 10K programmes, I will easily do 1h40′ :-)))
Looking forward to listening to your advice
Nice to hear Jose. You can use the 10k Training Programs for the Half Marathon, all you need do is increase your long run in week 1 to a minimum of 18k. If you have ambitions for longer distance races in the future, look to start moving the long run distance up to 25k to start. Increase the distance slowly. Do also consider looking at the Off Period and Build-up program . consider joining the forums if you want individual feedback . Running Forums
On using the 10k program for HM, if i understood you correctly, substitute the ‘longest run’ on Sat starting from 18km for week 1 and then increase it to 19km when we restart the 3 weeks plan?
If the my understanding is true, I only do 1 long run every 3 weeks?
Correct, the longest run is every 3 weeks. The programs are progressive and if long-term you looking to run a marathon it would be ideal to build up to a long run of 25km every 3 weeks. Hope this helps, TheEd
Hi TheEd,
Sorry to ask this again but I still don’t understand what the ‘longest run’ is?
Is it just basically the same as ’60 to 70min easy distance’ but longer?
Would you be doing a similar pace for every ‘easy’ run whether it is ‘easy 30min’, ’60 to 70min easy distance’ or ”longest run’?
Many thanks,
Different wording for what means the same, however, as the person develops they will find the terms more applicable to what needs to be achieved. 30 minutes easy, is aimed at active recovery, as easy as possible and getting out there. 60 to 70 minutes, is now moving towards a training level, so the idea would be to run that amount of time easy, and so cover the distance with ease. Once you move towards the longest run, this session is aimed at aerobic development, so it plays a role in the athletes development. As the runner develops, the longest run can focus on pace and / or pulse. Hopefully this helps a little to understand the terms. TheEd
Hi! I’d like to register in your forum but it says that registration is disabled? I also want to start this training program and return some feedback from it (in case you want it). I started running 2 months ago and my best 10k was 57 minutes. My longest run so far is 18k in 2hours. I’m also running around 40k-50k a week (4 days a week) and everything’s seem to be ok. Last race was a 15k which I finished in 1h31m. Is it ok for me to follow this sub50 program or should I try the sub55 first? Some programs require at least 3-6 months of running before you can use it, is this the case of this one?
Hi Will, an email was received and a user account was set-up. Please place the same data in the thread you open on the forums, many thanks TheEd
Just a question. If I want to add in 2 weightlifting days in this plan, what days is the best days to do that on?
If i start the cycle on a Tuesday.
Hi Max, to start with, do not do weight training on the days 3 to 8, until you adapt to the program. You can however add the weight sessions in anywhere after Day 8. Hope this is clear enough. TheEd
Could you tell me why you say “start with” on te interval elements? Am I meant to do more than that as you are saying ‘start with?’ What do I finish with? Thanks. I really want to get under 50 mins and got as close as 15 seconds off so thought I’d try this routine to see if it got me there. I can run 5k in just sub 24. Thanks
start with is your beginning point. once you develop you will go onto 4 x 2k and then onto 5 x 2k. this is all related to progressive training and development
How to interpret this : – start with 3x2k R90-2min 9min 50 (4.55 per k) T
I guess 3 loops of 2 km.. and what is after that
3 loops of 2km each with a Rest of 90 seconds to 2 minutes between each 2k. The 2k pace is 4.55 per k for a total time of 9 minutes 50 seconds
Hi, I just ran 49:06 10k race using your training plan. Thank you! Absolutely perfect
I followed this programme fairly closely – first tempo session perhaps not so successfully, but generally ok thereafter – and raced a 10k yesterday at sub 50 for the first time (sub 49 m).
Many thanks!
congrats conor, simply repeat the cycle again before stepping in up in training. Once you achieve consistency then you can look at your next goal. Well done. TheEd
Hi Ed,
Thanks for this post, I completed the program (with some switch between the days due to travellings and other duties) and it worked very well, yesterday I run 49:42 on a 10K race.
Just for comparison: last year I had 53:10. That track had more altitude difference, but the improvement is still significant and I enjoyed yesterday’s race much more.
So thanks again and I am just thinking about to repeat the program and complete one more 10K still this year.
congrats Balazs, achieving sub 50 minutes for the first time is always a great achievement, repeating the program before looking to go faster is a good idea. Focus on improving your 5k time as well, because this makes the next step-up to sub 49 easier. On we go TheED
Hi, I would like to register as a user at the forum but was unable to so. I have a 10k race in a months time and would like to try out the program. Currently my pb for 10k is 53 mins and I hope to do sub 50.
We have sent you an email in reply. TheEd
Hi! Thanks for great great running programs at no cost! Much appreciated!
With my life situation right now, it`s realistic for me to only find time for three, maybe four some weeks, workouts per week. So I guess the question is; should I skip the short, easy runs and focus only on the quality runs, or should I just follow the program but maybe expect a slower progress? Right now I follow the all the workouts on the plan, running every other day.
Thanks a bunch!
Our pleasure, and thank you . As to your question. The days 3 . 5 and 8, are the most important of the program, and from there you can look at doing the quality runs thereafter. Juggle the runs to suit what you can do. Do note, in order for you to improve as a runner, achieving consistency on the program will lead to ‘continual’ results. You may get a result from less training but you must not put pressure on yourself on each program, by seeking continual improvement. (Please ask for clarity, if needed) Enjoy. TheEd
Thanks for your reply! So if I understand you correctly, you’re saying “never skip day 3, 5 and 8” right? And then include the shorter easy runs when able to? What about the 5k run. Should I make an effort to make that one? As I run every other day I should get sufficient rest, don’t you think?
I’ve been running consistently for almost two years now and the sub 50 program suits my fitness nicely. I guess if I were to push it I would work towards 47:30 on a 10k but for now the sub 50 paces are fine.
correct, and yes, you can do the 5k run, but beware, because you feeling fresh you may land up running too hard and too fast. Whereas, you may be happy to achieve something on that day, however the main event is meant to be the next week. What we recommend is that you run the first 4k of the 5k event @ 10k pace, and then over the last 1k you accelerate. This will be far better for your development. In the last week, do not do the 400m session, but instead replace it with 3 x 5 minutes @ 10k pace (your target time) with 3 minutes easy in-between. Try your utmost to feel relaxed in both these sessions. Hope this helps, TheEd
Thank you very much. Really value your input as most of the time I feel a little lost when it comes to training plans.
I’ll create an account on the forum and post progress (if any) there. Woke up with a bad cold today so guess that means a break..
Again, thanks a bunch!
This looks exactly what I wanted. Major 10k event in 3 weeks. My PR is 54.5 . I hope I can achieve something around 50 with 1 cycle of this program. I might be a bit more positive. Let’s see how it turns out to be.
good luck. The program can have an immediate effect or take a little longer, depending on the person and their experience. TheEd
I may be more of a natural runner so I’m not too experienced with technical terms. Today I beat my 10k record which was 51:46 and achieved a time of 48:32 and I am aiming to reach the 45 minute benchmark by two weeks from today. My previous record of 51:46 was achieved 2 days previously and the only reason I beat it today was because I really pushed myself.
congrats Matan. Were you using a training program? The main idea behind the programs is to teach the runner to develop their talent, in the easiest possible way, by establishing a routine which fits into their lifestyle. regards TheEd
I will start to follow the sub 45 minute program. Only today I found out that my dog passed away on Sunday. This motivated me to smash my record in memory of him. I achieved a time of 44:58!
Blessings on losing a member of the family, and congrats on your 10k run
I don’t get it. This is a unusual training plan for me, or maybe I am a bit inexperienced. I mean, other training plans I’ve seen, 5k, 10k and so on are 12, 16 weeks long (doesn’t matter) but they tell you exactly what to do from day one to race day. This program is divided in 3-week cycles (well, two and a half with a rest period of two to three days if I understand correctly). So what is the point of doing exactly the same thing cycle after cycle ? Where is the build up in this ? And how is this going to apply to me ?
Explaining: My 10k goal race is on April 1st 2018. I ran exactly the same race this year, which was my first race ever, and I did 55’13” net time. So my goal next year is to do 48 minutes or so. I finished a half marathon race two days ago and right now I’m taking my 3 days off. How am I supposed to start my 10k training plan ? Should I start with the off training period plan followed by the build up period plan and then begin with the cycles? And if so, how many of these cycles should I do before the race? And finally where is the tapering period before the race ? How long should it be and what training sessions should it include?
Forgive me for bothering you with my noob questions but this is a very interesting program.
Thanks in advance
P.S. I am 47 yo
Hi Pete, the programs are progressive and follow a format easy to understand and very able to introduce into your daily life. We provide forums where you can see how other runners are using the programs –
What we would recommend for you, for now, is to do a 4k time-trial and from there we can place you onto the sub 50 minute 10k program format with different pace set for you
The idea behind the program is to teach routine to start with. After a few cycles we provide an off-period, followed by a build-up routine before returning to the 10k program cycles before your event.
During all of this, the intention is for the runner to learn more about themselves and how to achieve the goals they have set. Our aim, is to assist the runner in understanding their own running and what works for them and how to achieve it.
Hope this all makes a little more sense, as we have numerous articles relating to the program and how things work
regards TheEd
Hi Ed, thanks for your reply; although I must say I’m a bit confused.
Ok, let’s say, as per your suggestion, next Sunday I go to the nearest track and complete the 4k time trial in 20 minutes (as it is more likely to be, because 5min pace is more than bearable for me for that distance). How should I start my training then ? How many cycles should I do and when should I take a break from those, how long should this break be and with what kind of training, when to start again with the cycles, given that I have about four months in front of me before the race.
And, sorry for that, I have to insist; in every other training plan I’ve done (half marathon, all of them) there is a tapering period in the last two to three weeks before the race. In your cycle structured plan, I don’t see where that fits. Or maybe tapering is more suitable for longer distance races, half marathons, marathons etc. , I don’t know.
Also where is the tempo run in the cycle? Could it be on day 12, “5k paced run” ?
I did browse on the forums but I couldn’t find the answers, sorry.
Thanks again in advance
Hi Pete, consider sending us an email with the username you would like to use on the training forums, and we will create an account for you. Send to info @
In answering; once you run the 4km, the time is is used to provide your own personal pace for the 2k and 1k session –
here is another article regarding thoughts behind the programs –
As mentioned, these programs are progressive (which means, everything you have mentioned about build-up etc and tapering etc, is dealt with). The programs get results and allow the athlete to develop at their own pace, as well as learning more about themselves and how to train. We provide the platform to achieve this. regards TheEd
I would really like to complete 10k below 50minutes and would like to try this 50m program..but my best 5km is probably 27m at the moment and best timing for 10km is currently 60m..
should I try?
yes, you can try the program format, but work out the pace for your 2k and 1k sessions, see the Program Tips
and work out your pace accordingly. Good luck TheEd
What is the 4km time trial? Would like to do that to the see if I should start with sub 50 minute program or something else.
Hi there Liz, if you have a local 400m track, you could go run 10 x 400m for your 4k time-trial.
On the program, you will need to do 2km sessions, so you could run the 2k loop twice to get your 4k time.
The idea is to establish a marker for yourself, so that you have a starting point and can work out your pace needed for the various sessions.
Hope this helps. TheEd
Hi guys im new to running. I managed 10k this am in 54mins and i am keen to progress.
I will be starting day 2 tomorow.
My issue is I am occasionally required to walk between 8-12miles in work and i never i am never given notice before hand.
If im doing this program in the mornings before work will walking such long distances after my morning runs negatively effect my progression?
And if so is there any thing i can do to counter this. Thank you any help you could provide is much appreciated
Hi James, walking can have an impact on you, so you will need to monitor your fatigue and try to avoid picking up any injuries. Fortunately, the major focus of the program is Day 3 to Day 8. If you able to do Day 3 . 5 and 8 you should still be able to progress but try to focus on recovery. Hope this helps and good luck, TheEd
Hi there,
Please explain in detail what does 4K time trial mean? Why is it important?
Hi there Wenry, the 4k time-trial
“The 4k time-trial determines where the athlete stands at that point in their fitness and training. ”
The 4k time-trial – Your Starting Point
Hope that helps, TheEd
Hello! I love Time-to-Run… for me it’s the most useful running website ever! The link to the printable sub 50 minute 10k program seems to be broken – is there any possibility of reinstating it please?
Many thanks,
Thank you for the heads up Clare, we will look to fix all the printable programs, I shall look to send you the program via email, TheEd
Hi there,
I’m 34 years old and only took up running around 8 weeks ago, my 10k PB is 57 mins, and I’ve been following 1 or 2 other training programs however already feel as though I’ve hit a plateau with my development (maybe running too hard/too long too often). 2 days ago I decided to give the sub 55 program a bash as I like the format and not sure whether or not my body would be able to handle the sub 50 program just yet. Today I completed day 3 successfully with great difficulty. Am I doing the right thing in following the sub 55 program as opposed to the sub 50 program?
Hi Michael, Day 3 s the toughest day of the program, back off a little and simply complete a cycle before putting an emphasis on the time restraints. Keep in contact and then we can advise you further from there, all the best, TheEd
Hi again,
Tonight was race night after the 1st cycle of the program, as I posted previously my 10k pb was 57mins and my aim was sub 55, tonight I managed a 55.24 10k, I must admit I was gutted not to achieve the sub 55 but a 2 min improvement on my time is still progress. Will I continue with another cycle at the same training pace?
HI Michael, firstly congrats on the new PB .. next time
.. things will improve as you become more accustomed to the program and it’s workings, good luck and enjoy TheEd