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Training towards a sub 31 minute 10K

Firstly, what must be understood is that in order for you to run sub 31 minutes for 10Km, you must be able to run at 3 minutes 05 seconds per kilometer for the distance. … [Read more...]

Train towards a sub 33 minute 10K

sub 33 minute 10k - Firstly, what must be understood is that in order for you to run sub 33 minutes for 10Km, you must be able to run below 3 minutes 18 seconds per kilometer for the distance. … [Read more...]

Training towards a sub 35 minute 10K

sub 35 minute 10K program - Firstly, what must be understood is that in order for you to run sub 35 minutes for 10Km, you must be able to run below 3 minutes 30 seconds per kilometer for the distance. … [Read more...]

Aerobic Training

Aerobic training, also known as "base training," has been likened to the foundation of a building in its importance to developing fitness. No house could survive for long with a weak foundation and so it is with distance runners and aerobic training. … [Read more...]

Program Tips – 10K Training programs

After launching the 10K programs and receiving a number of emails, we shall now add clarity to a few aspects regarding the program. Firstly, it wasn't considered necessary to mention the 10K am runs one can do to enhance your overall program. If you feel that you are able to slot in a 10K run in the morning, without … [Read more...]

Training towards a sub 40 minute 10K

sub 40 minute 10k - Firstly, what must be understood is that in order for you to run sub 40 minutes for 10Km, you must be able to run below 4 minutes per kilometer for the distance. … [Read more...]

Maximum Heart Rate Stress Tests

Many athletes who have a history of continual sport since their early teens have a higher maximum heart rate when compared to the mathematical calculation of their maximum heart rate based on their age. To be certain of finding your maximum heart rate a Stress Test should be conducted. … [Read more...]

The “Training-Sensitive Zone” – Heart-Rate

Training-Sensitive Zone Maximum exercise heart rate is on most occasions determined after 2 to 4 minutes of all-out effort during a given form of exercise. It must be noted that this level of exercise, requires great motivation and is not advisable for adults to attempt who are not medically or at a physical level … [Read more...]

The Need for Sleep

The Need for Sleep In the past decade research and polls have shown that we don't get enough sleep. Those under 35 years of age get the least amount. This lack of slumber time leaves many chronically tired and sleepy throughout the day. … [Read more...]

Ten Mistakes Endurance Athletes Make – Part 2

Welcome to the 'Ten Mistakes Endurance Athletes Make' Part 2 - 6 to 10. This article is by - Dave Spence ex-resident coach, Cape Town   This article follows on from - Ten Mistakes Endurance Athletes Make numbers 1 to 5 6. Not Taking Supplemental Electrolytes. An athlete who's suffered from painful … [Read more...]