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Testissä Inov-8 Terraclaw 250 polkujuoksuun

  Inov-8 ja uusi TERRACLAW polkujuoksukenkä Inov-8 kenkien konsepti keskittyy luonnolliseen juoksuun, jossa mikään ei muuta jalan ja kehon luonollista biomekaniikkaa. Luonnollinen juoksu turvautuu paremminkin juoksijan jalkojen ja raajojen voimaan kuin kenkien vaimennukseen ja tukeen. Eli jalka ohjaa kenkää, eikä … [Read more...]

USA Medals at World Long Distance

Zermatt, Switzerland – Team USA had good reason to celebrate their national holiday today in Zermatt, Switzerland, with double silver on the men’s side and bronze on the women’s at the 12th World Long Distance Mountain Running Championships. Silver and bronze at World Long Distance Championships Leading the men … [Read more...]

Polkujuoksu – ajatuksia aloittelijalle

  Polkujuoksu – trailrunning Metsäpolut, vuoristopolut, hiekkapolut, niittypolut, puistopolut. Polkujuoksu tai trailrunning. Polkujuoksun suosio on kasvanut hurjasti sekä juoksijoiden keskuudessa että houkutellut uusia harrastajia juoksun pariin. Urheilukauppoihin on ilmestynyt laaja valikoima erityisesti … [Read more...]

uMhlanga Trail Run 2016 set for December

uMhlanga Trail Run – One of the main events at this year’s uMhlanga Summer Festival is the highly-anticipated uMhlanga Trail Run that takes place on Sunday 18 December. uMhlanga Trail Run on Sunday 18 December This is the 19 running of the popular event in the seventh festival. The distances that keen … [Read more...]

Spur KZN Trail Series wraps up

The fourth Spur KZN Trail Series came to a conclusion this Saturday in the Valley of 1 000 Hills at the tranquil setting of iSithumba. In the men’s 11.3km long course Championship race, Eric Ngubane made it three wins out of three as he wrapped up another first place in a time of 48:59 to [...] The post Spur KZN Trail … [Read more...]

Cape AfricanXTrailrun entries open

Calling all trail running enthusiasts!  Entries have opened for the AfricanXTrailrun presented by ASICS, South Africa’s premier three day stage trail run that will take place in the Western Cape the weekend of 11 – 13 March 2016. AfricanXTrailrun weekend “The food and the AfricanXvibe are really great, but the people … [Read more...]

Cape Winter Trail Series Shines

You would have been forgiven if you thought the third race of the Spur Cape Winter Trail Series™ took place on a summer’s day as the sun shone down on over 900 trail runners at the Taal Monument in Paarl. Traditionally known as the fastest course of the Series, this year was no different with [...] The post Cape Winter … [Read more...]

Winter Trail Series 2015 kicks off

Approximately 1 000 runners were met with a perfect Cape winter day as they made their way to the Paul Cluver Estate in the Overberg for the first race of the Spur Cape Winter Trail Series™ and the Spur GLB46 Ultra. Almost 100 runners took on the Spur GLB46 Ultra across the Groenlandberg. After an [...] Winter Trail … [Read more...]

Transajches Trail Race by Sandy

Lanzarote, July 2015 - The Transajches Trail Race was by far the most difficult race I have ever done, in my 40 yrs of running!! Difficult both physically and mentally. … [Read more...]

Marais, Duffy win South African Champs

Tension was rife in Grabouw on Sunday, 22 February 2015 when close to 800 eager sports enthusiasts lined up to partake in the multisport event of the year, the TOTALSPORTS XTERRA South African Championship presented by REHIDRAT® SPORT. South African XTERRA part of Tour Forming part of the XTERRA World Tour, competitors … [Read more...]