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Relay and other event news

CHRISTCHURCH Riverside Handicap Road Relay, Beckenham – 28 July 2012 Fastest times went to New Brighton Olympic in the senior men 5 x 2.5km in 1h 17m 3s, from University 1h 20m 28s. Fastest laps going to Callan Moody 14m 58s, Brett Tingay 15m 1s and Daniel Balchin 15m 6s. … [Read more...]

Kiwis no match for Kenyans

New Zealand finished eleventh in the Chiba Ekiden Relay in Japan overnight. The event is raced over the marathon distance of 42.2km in six stages with each team having three men and three women. US based Hugo Beamish had New Zealand ninth after the first 5km in 14m 23s. … [Read more...]