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Tallinn Half Marathon Training Programs Week 5 – 8 of Time-to-Run’s Level 1 Half Marathon program

The Program: It is 2 weeks before you run your first 5km event, so you will need to start preparing your mind for the event on July 29th, 2023.

Reminder of the various levels of training below

PW = Paced Walk – Paced walking is best described by reaching a maximum speed without lifting both feet off the ground at one time. One foot should always be on the ground. If you lift both feet that is running and that is not the aim. Get into a nice smooth rhythm, swinging your arms, bent at a 45 degree angle, so that your hand comes to chin level in front of you. Swing the other arm, 45 degree angle, backwards so that the elbow is in unison with the hand in front of you. The intensity of the walk will be determined by your arms and not your legs, so swing your arms to the speed you would like your legs to move.  

 Rest – is no exercise – do note, that as you develop, you can consider doing strength exercises for the upper body and doing stretching to assist you recovery
Jog – both feet lifting off the ground, there is no need to consider pace on these days, the intent is to develop time-on-feet while jogging

You can print the program out and fill in your own comments and then as you develop you can ask further questions on the forum provided

Tallinn Half Marathon Training Forum


Tallinn Half Marathon Training Programs Level 1

Level 1 – Tallinn Half Marathon program Week 1 – 4

Level 1 – Tallinn Half Marathon program Week 5 – 8

Level 1 – Tallinn Half Marathon program Week 9 -12