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Tallinn events – 1 month to go

one month tallinn marathon 2024

Tallinn Marathon Events – With just one month to go until the streets of Tallinn come alive with the energy of thousands of runners, we can’t help but notice your name is missing from our start list this year.

 Tallinn Marathon Events – 1 month to go: secure your spot!

You’ve been a part of this journey before, and we would love to see you cross another finish line with us!

Why Come Back?

Rediscover the Charm: Experience the scenic beauty of Tallinn’s historic routes and vibrant street vibes that you loved before.

Beat Your Previous Best: You’ve set records here; why not come back and outdo yourself? Every step on our course is a chance to make personal history.

Community and Support: Feel the incredible support of the crowd and fellow runners, pushing you forward to that triumphant finish.

New Challenges Await: Explore our new distances this year, including the 4.2km Welcome Run and the Team Relay Marathon. Perfect for those looking to try something different or add a team dynamic to their race day experience!

Ready to lace up again?


Lower Entry Fees Until End of August!

Enjoy reduced entry fees until the end of August. It’s the perfect opportunity to sign up at a great rate and challenge yourself once more and leave with a gorgeous medal around your neck.

The programme:

Friday, September 6th
18:30 Welcome Run 4,2 km

Saturday, September 7th
9:00 Half-marathon 21,1 km
11:00-14:00 Kids’ races
14:00 Tallinn Fall Race 10 km
18:30 Nike Youth Run 5 km

Sunday, September 8th
9:00 Marathon 42,2 km and Relay Marathon 42,2 km

Choose your distance

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