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Tallinn 2024 routes unveiled

tallinn marathon course 2024

Swedbank Tallinn Marathon are excited to reveal the official courses! Each one-lap route, whether 42km, 21km, 10km, or 5km, starts and ends on the edge of the UNESCO-listed Old Town of Tallinn, blending historic charm with vibrant city life.

Tallinn Marathon 2024 routes unveiled

Experience iconic landmarks, hydration stations, and cheer zones that energize you every step of the way!

tallinn marathon events routes

Take part in the Charity Relay Marathon

Spark your spirit of community with the Charity Relay Marathon on September 8th.

tallinn marathon relay 2024


This new race format allows you and four friends or colleagues to team up and complete the marathon distance together. Each team member will run a portion of the course, making it a perfect opportunity for runners of all levels to participate in the fun and challenge of marathon day.

read more for further Tallinn Marathon Charity Relay 2024

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