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Swedbank Tallinn Marathon 2024 broke records

tallinn marathon 2024 start

Tallinn Marathon – For the first time, over twenty-five thousand participants from a record-breaking 79 countries registered for the various distances of Estonia’s largest recreational sporting event.

Swedbank Tallinn Marathon 2024 broke records

The half marathon of the Swedbank Tallinn Marathon, which started from the base of Pikk Hermann, was won by Kenyan runner Collins Kipkirui Kipkorir with a new high-level Tallinn half marathon record of 1:00:23. The five fastest men were all fellow countrymen of the winner.

In the 10 km Tallinn Fall Run, held for the 25th time, the winners were Deniss Šalkauskas among the men and Agate Caune among the women. The young Latvian ran a fantastic race, crossing the finish line second overall and setting a new Fall Run record (32:09).

The main event of the Swedbank Tallinn Marathon was won by Kenyan Samwel Kiptoo with a time of 2 hours, 13 minutes, and 48 seconds. The fastest woman in the marathon was also from Kenya, Mercy Kwambai, with an excellent time of 2 hours, 31 minutes, and 9 seconds, setting a new Tallinn Marathon record.

The Estonian champions were Tiidrek Nurme among the men and Kaisa Kukk among the women.

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