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Thank you and advice - Printable Version

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Thank you and advice - gkoskela - 26-04-2010


I have very much appreciated your program. I'm almost completed with the second cycle of the sub 50 min 10K, and it's been really helpful! Wanted to share my thanks and ask a question for training for the next two months. A little background first.

I was never a runner growing up, but played baseball. I thought of running as the punishment to do in order to be in shape to do something fun. In my late 30's, I started running a little bit to lose weight and be in shape. My oldest daughter (now a sophomore in high school) began running when she was 11. When I got beat by my 11 year old daughter in a 400, I decided I needed to run more. Smile

She is now an excellent high school runner. Last year, for my birthday, she ran slowly with me in my first 10K race. I ran 53:31. For the last couple of years, I've run 1 to 4 times a week, without improving a whole lot. I decided in February to try and get more consistent, aiming for 5 times a week. My daughter and I decided to run the same 10K again this year, on April 10. I found your training program with just enough time to spare, and did the entire cycle leading up to the race. I ran a 51:27; not sub-50, but quite an improvement. (My daughter, by the way, won the whole race, beating all the other women and men. She ran easily, even staying with me for the first mile, and still ran a 42:58).

After the race, I started into another cycle, and that has been so encouraging to see the improvement. The first cycle, my 2000's were 10:01, 10:21 and 10:53, with a 2 minute recovery. Second cycle, with only a 90 second recovery, I was 10:07, 9:59, 9:56.

The 1000's were similar: First cycle (90 sec recovery) 4:59, 5:03, 5:03, 5:10, 5:07. Second cycle (60 sec recovery) 4:47, 4:52, 4:49, 4:47, 4:43. So fun to see improvement and results!

So that's my thank for the question about future training.

I've entered a team relay that will take place June 25-26. Each member runs three legs, about 8 hours apart (all 3 within a 24 hour period) of 3 to 7 miles. I'm trying to decide what I should do leading up to it. I've got time for about three three week cycles, if I compress a little bit after I finish the current 2nd cycle.

Would you recommend a three week build up, then 2 rounds of the sub 50 or modified sub 45 10K training? Or something different? Thanks again for your program and for your forum. I can see that you give a lot of your time, and it is appreciated.


Thank you and advice - TheEd - 27-04-2010

Hi Gregg and welcome to the forums

very inspiring feedback and wonderful to read .. congrats, long may the improvement take place. First off let's stick to the sub 50 minute 10 km program for now

what long run are you doing? How comfortable are you in your easy runs?

as a build up we could consider 2 weeks of the build-up program but first would need to hear how your longish runs and easy runs are for you currently, please?



Thank you and advice - gkoskela - 27-04-2010

Thanks! On the first cycle, I ran the full hour and 45, completing 10.5 miles. On the second cycle, the long run fell on my birthday, so I only went an hour and 21 minutes, just because I didn't have time. Felt good, completed 8.34 miles.

The easy runs have been the hardest to adjust to. They feel great when I don't push too hard. I'm usually between 9:00 and 9:20 per mile pace, and that usually is ok. I've only skipped the easy runs twice in the two cycles I've been on, once because of time, another because I felt sore.


Thank you and advice - TheEd - 27-04-2010

OK, with that taken on board, let's proceed towards doing 2 weeks of the build-up program .. Day 08 to Day 21

and then we can take things from there

please let me know if you experience any hassles and do provide feedback as you please



Thank you and advice - gkoskela - 28-04-2010

Thanks! Will do.

Thank you and advice - gkoskela - 06-05-2010

I finished the 10K cycle by running a 10K loop I mapped out by my house. It was a little disappointing, even though it was a PR: 50:56, I thought I would be closer to 50. I think I may have pushed my last easy run beforehand too hard.

I've started on the build up phase, but I don't have a heart rate monitor, so it's difficult to know how to pace the percentage effort you give. My "at ease throughout" pace seems to be about 9:15 or 9:20 per mile. Any guesses on about how fast a 65% and 75% pace would be?

Thank you and advice - TheEd - 06-05-2010

Hi g .. don't become too fixated on pace .. the main concern at this stage is not to overdo it, so the focus should be on doing the quality sessions and then recovering after the harder sessions with relaxed running

let's do a few cycles before worrying too much about pace, the idea here is to achieve consistent training

don't look for results from every session or look for improvement

if you train consistently and wisely the results will take care of themselves


Thank you and advice - gkoskela - 17-05-2010

An update...

I've been keeping at the build up program, but I must confess it has been difficult. Upping the miles, plus work and family life being very busy without much sleep has meant my legs have often felt tired and sore. I only skipped one day, day 16, because of a long workday...but I don't think I could have done it anyway from soreness.

Yesterday I did a slow hour that went ok (Day 17), and today's 5x8 minutes (Day 18) went well. The race I'm doing is June 25, which means I've got about two three-week cycles left before the race. Do you suggest going back to the sub 50 min 10K? Or continue with the build up?

And, do you want me to do a 4K time trial tomorrow, or take the scheduled rest day?

Thanks again for your willingness to help!

Thank you and advice - TheEd - 17-05-2010

Hi G .. take the scheduled rest day and then move towards the sub 50 minute 10km program

we can play it by ear and give feedback about fatigue, here's hoping you feel more sprightly after the rest day



Thank you and advice - gkoskela - 17-05-2010

Thanks much! Will do.