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Sub 50min 10k if possible? - Printable Version

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Sub 50min 10k if possible? - Jambo - 28-04-2015

Hi Time to Run,
I have been running for a while now, completed lots of 10ks also done half marathons and marathons.
Run about 3/4 times a week.
My time for 10k usually range from 51-56 minutes, half marathon 2:02 and marathon 4:30 oh and 5k park runs 24-26 mins
Just never seem to be able to get under 50 for the 10k. I have a race on the 25th May.
Height 5'11 Weight 92kg.

Training regime at the moment consists of 50-75 miles per month. Do my 10k runs on a little trail loop I've found usually takes me 55 minutes. Do my fartlek and inclines sessions on my dreadmill.

Your input is most welcome and I would like to start a 10k program. Also would the time trails be ok on the treadmill, also have a garmin monitor with a Hr strap plays up sometimes.



Sub 50min 10k if possible? - TheEd - 30-04-2015

Hi Jambo and welcome to the forums

you may get results from the 1st cycle and you may not, but you will get a lot of feedback and knowledge gained before the 25th May race

are you able to put a 4k time-trial in on the weekend and then we can start with day 1 next Tuesday

treadmills can be used for the test

if you get the garmin to work then any feedback would be great

over to you


Sub 50min 10k if possible? - Jambo - 30-04-2015

Hi TheEd,

Thank you for the welcome.
I have just done a 12k steady run yesterday, so got a recovery run today/tomorrow so I will do the 4k time trial on Saturday I think.
I will be in touch with results and will try to get HR monitor working? Garmin works fine.



Sub 50min 10k if possible? - Jambo - 30-04-2015

Hi TheEd,

As part of my 4k time trial could I just do a local 5K Park run, and get the splits off my garmin?

Sub 50min 10k if possible? - Jambo - 03-05-2015

Hi TheEd,

Here are my times for 4k time trial.
1k 4:35
2k 4:39
3k 4:45
4k 4:39
Average Heart Rate 155bpm.
All done on treadmill and with Garmin Footpod.

Let me know what you think, and what's next?

Sub 50min 10k if possible? - TheEd - 05-05-2015

Hi Jambo, now that you have the 4k time-trial

look at this post: 10k Training Program Tips

and see if you able to work out your pace for the 2k session

you will start with the sub 50 minute 10k Training Program

use that schedule for your structure and adapt the pace times accordingly

over to you

Day 1 Tuesday . Thurs 2k session


Sub 50min 10k if possible? - Jambo - 05-05-2015

Hi TheEd,

Day one complete, ran for 60 mins and covered 10.8k at a nice and easy pace.
Average pace 5:35 per km.
Going to do an easy 30 min run tomorrow as shown on schedule and then Thursday for the big one.



Sub 50min 10k if possible? - Jambo - 06-05-2015

Hi TheEd,

Done the 30 minutes at easy pace today.

30.05 minutes
5.7 km
5.17 km pace
122 Hr average

Got the 3 x 2km runs tomorrow.

Let you know how I get on!


Sub 50min 10k if possible? - TheEd - 08-05-2015

and now for the 2k feedback

Big Grin


Sub 50min 10k if possible? - Jambo - 08-05-2015

Hi TheEd,

Here is the feedback.

1k warmup nice and easy.

2k session with 90s-2mins rest

1k 4:54
2k 4:51
1k 4:47
2k 4:52
1k 4:46
2k 4:47

Average Hr 133bpm
Max Hr 157bpm
Rests average hr 105bpm

All felt pretty good but the last 2k was a bit of a push to keep the pace. Heart seemed nice and steady throughout and rest / recovery seemed good.

May just do a couple of km tonight as a leg loosener at say 5:30/5:40 pace, would that be ok.

Let me know your thought?

