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Perceived Effort and sub 40 10k - Printable Version

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Perceived Effort and sub 40 10k - DrewMartin - 01-11-2011

I have a question about the easy effort, I don't want to be going too hard.

I ran a 42 min 10k earlier this year and since have ran two sub 20 5k races 19:12 and 19:22.

Since then I have been putting in 25-30 miles per week and cycling another 15-25. I now believe I am ready for the sub 40 program.

My 4k time trial splits:

I started the program today and ran the 60 min easy distance:
12.42k at 4:52 avg per k

So..based upon my 4k time trial and times above does the above easy pace seem too hard or just right?

I didn't feel as if I was pushing it, I could speak sentences to
myself as a test of effort and didn't really feel super labored. I'm sure this is an often asked question, but was just hoping to get some insight based upon my times this year as to what an easy pace actually is.


Perceived Effort and sub 40 10k - TheEd - 02-11-2011

Hi DrewMartin and welcome to the forums

in answering your question .. you would be better off running the easy days as easy as you can for the first cycle .. so drop the pace and run just over 5 minutes per k .. focus on hitting the times in the quality session .. 5 x 2k and 6 x 1k

what pace per km are you starting your first 5 x 2k session at?

good luck


Perceived Effort and sub 40 10k - DrewMartin - 02-11-2011

I was hoping to hit my 5x2k at 3:55 per k, not sure if that's too ambitious. Do you recommend a slower pace for the 5 x 2k?

Perceived Effort and sub 40 10k - TheEd - 03-11-2011

You can look to hover around 3.55 to 4.05 per k

the session is not easy, so try stick to the task

good luck


Perceived Effort and sub 40 10k - DrewMartin - 04-11-2011

Hey TheEd,

That session was tough! Here are the 2k avg per k/ avg hr results:


Once I started the fourth one I eased up a bit to make sure I got through the whole session. But I was definitely wasted at the end. So it looks like I have a good amount of work ahead of me.

Based on this I will plan on hitting the 6 x 1k at the 3:45 to 3:50 mark.

Do you agree the sub 40 plan seems achievable for me based on results so far?

Thanks for the great feedback!!

Perceived Effort and sub 40 10k - TheEd - 06-11-2011

DM .. the 5 x 2k session is the making of the program .. do those in sub 4 minutes per k and you have the making of your goal

though, you can still get a sub 40 minute off the training depending on whether you able to perform better on race day, this takes race experience or a natural ability

the 1k session will be far more enjoyable and you have the right target times

nice going
