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coming off base phase/when to up the pace. - Printable Version

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coming off base phase/when to up the pace. - JonathanWardley - 14-02-2013

Thanks Ed All i can say is i am in for the long haul theres people out there in much worse states so ill just have to suck it up and get on with it regards jon.

coming off base phase/when to up the pace. - JonathanWardley - 24-02-2013

Hi Ed,
just to let you know ive made good progress with my ankle and feel i could start to run soon.I am using my bike at present until the stiffness goes out of my ankle,i would like to think i could make a 10k race in late march now around the 23rd so hope fully i can see this month out going easy then jump on to the cycle if i don't get anymore set back..speak soon regards jon.

coming off base phase/when to up the pace. - TheEd - 24-02-2013

here's hoping it all progresses in the right direction

make sure to keep your calf muscles loose



coming off base phase/when to up the pace. - JonathanWardley - 24-02-2013

Thanks ed,
ill keep things very easy until the end of the month and hopefully get going again..hope all is well with you regards jon.

coming off base phase/when to up the pace. - JonathanWardley - 27-02-2013

Hi Ed,
well fingers crossed i am back at it..Had a month of foot problems and sickness in general hope this is the end of it now..I feel all most scared to plan anything at present just easy running is a god send..I am aware that i am starting to slip back a little so don't really know what to do for the best..I can only think going on to a 6 weeks base phase would be right for me now with a little speed work in there to keep my legs going..Its going to be a struggle to go on a cycle as my ankle has stiffness and i am working daily on it to get it right..Ive thought about a few races later down the path in June and July.. so i would say base phase would be appropriate at this time..I would greatly appreciate your thoughts on all of this and thanks for the tip about keeping my calf's loose its helping. Also ive been running in a neoprene ankle support which feelsa uncomfortable and not really sure when to not wear it now as i am a bit paranoid about rolling my ankle again.. Thanks again for your time regards jon.

coming off base phase/when to up the pace. - TheEd - 27-02-2013

Jon, when I read this it makes me want to make a few videos with regards to the A - Z exercise for 'ankle mobility', as well as how to test when the ankle has recovered.


must sort things out as much as to get there

now coming back, short runs are ideal without having calf muscle fatigue, keep it on the flat, stay off loose sand and run every 2nd day

Jon, a positive thing about this is your attitude currently, when you first joined you were more intense about things, now you sound as you working on the 'going with the flow' approach

should be able to work forward in a good way

onwards and forwards


coming off base phase/when to up the pace. - JonathanWardley - 28-02-2013

Hi Ed,
thanks for your post yes will take it easy on the flat and let time be the healer.I think your right about allot of things..I didn't realize how obsessed i was to get back in shape.I think part and parcel of this was pressure stemming from an over ambitious father that was in affect paying my way and he wanted to see results sure i ran some good time but i was fifteen years younger and had a one track mind i hit 30 mins for 10k and remembered been happy for 3 days before the pressure was back on to go 29 well it never came and i slipped back to 31,32 after heated augments i parted waves with family and have remain like this since 2002 where i lived in France. i gathered myself again in 2003-2004 running high 31.45 10ks which was pleasing.So to end a short story i think your right time to enjoy life and stop gunning myself when things don't quite work out.On a nicer note i am quite fancying a full marathon in early December when Thailand a bit cooler...forgot to mention i haven't run under 32 mins for 10 k in Thailand maybe its the heat and humidity or just getting older regards and thanks jon.Wink

coming off base phase/when to up the pace. - TheEd - 28-02-2013

well if you able to do the core sessions of the program without any breakdown and you able to hit the target times in training the results should follow

if the weather makes things difficult then that certainly needs to be taken into account, all in all, this sport should be enjoyed as there is so much to be gained from it in so many ways

as for the marathon, well, if we can get you running on the programs I can add a long run into the schedule and then throw you onto a 6 weeks before the marathon program

so something to look forward to


coming off base phase/when to up the pace. - JonathanWardley - 01-03-2013

Hi ed,
thanks very much for post ive managed 1 hour last night at 5 mins per k as slow as it sounds its not my fitness just an ache in my ankle. Further more i would like to ask your thought about running in the heat.I have seen various calculations on the internet but not really convinced in some tables look a bit genres on time loss,My personal guess would be that you loose anything between 5-10 seconds per mile at 30 degrees on a undulating course.That a side i would like to hear what you think about this as i can say that even the Kenyan runners are not running super fast time here.Back training anyway yes i think ill give the build up period a go least it puts me in some structure even if the speed work takes a hit,i recon i could run some hills in its place so should be ok,as for the marathon a little bit excited about this and would plan to do it December-January 2013-14 i would also like to note that i if you where to give me your time to do the marathon i would like to pay for your time its only fair really you have helped me enough ill get stuck into day one of the build up and take it from there regards jon. Smile

coming off base phase/when to up the pace. - TheEd - 04-03-2013

the heat has a detrimental aspect on both training and running, and the biggest adaptation one can make is to accept that your times are not as good

do note however, that by 'acclimatising', when you race in ideal conditions you will certainly have better results. The conditioning will make you more efficient in ideal conditions, so you will need to have a set of training and race ideals for different places, taking into account both courses and weather.

I will check further into the 'numbers' involved and will get back to you

