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Going for sub 45 - Printable Version

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Going for sub 45 - Stef4n - 15-10-2012

Yesterday's trail completed Smile Really tough course, but it was very cool to run in the dunes. It was all there... sand, stairs, fences, a strong headwind on the beach, more sand, and, most importantly, a pint of beer straight after the finish. :tonguepop:

Time: 01:33:21
Distance: 14.2
Av. Pace: 6.34
AHR: 178 BPM
MHR: 200 BPM
Total climbing(and thus descending): 151m (according to my garmin)

On the flat and descending parts of the race I tried to get my HR back to ~170 BPM. This proved to be a very good tactic. :great:

Now on with the next cycle. Next race is in 5 weeks, so I would like to do the first 2 weeks of the program until the 5k paced and then start on a new 3week-cycle.

Today I played some tennis, tomorrow I'll go for 30-40 min easy and on wednesday I do Core Stability Training.

Thursday will be the 3x2k session with 4.30/k rest 90.


A short impression of the trail can be found here
Really fun to finish like that Big Grin

Going for sub 45 - TheEd - 16-10-2012

good stuff Stef4n, make sure to recover decently enough before the 2k session

ps.. nice video ... not an easy looking course either Wink

Going for sub 45 - Stef4n - 19-10-2012

3x2k complete! I was planning on doing it yesterday, but had some muscular pain after the core stability training wednesday. However, it was still there today :p The last one was really hard, but I managed to keep it close to 4.30/k.

Easy 10k with last 2k fast
First 8k in 46:00 @ 158 BPM
Last 2k in 9:13 @ 185 BPM

Core stability training


Cycle 3
3x2k R:90
Total distance: 7.11
Total Time: 42:25
AHR: 167
MaxHR: 199

Number | Pace | Avg HR | Max HR (Last time pace/AHR)
1 | 4.28 | 174 | 184 (4.44/171)
Rest: HR down to 127
2 | 4.30 | 185 | 194 (4.31/182)
R: 133
3 | 4.32 | 191 | 199 (4.16/192)

My rest HR lowers more in the 1.5 min than in the 2 min last time. Now onto the long run on sunday.:great:


Going for sub 45 - TheEd - 19-10-2012

maybe a good idea not to do the core training during the first week of the cycle

from Wednesday to Wednesday for example

that way your body has more of a chance

just for while you adapting to the new strength training

yes yes?


Going for sub 45 - Stef4n - 19-10-2012

yes yes Big Grin

Going for sub 45 - Stef4n - 22-10-2012

Due to circumstances I was unable to go for the long run yesterday. I did it today instead, felt really good and I tried to keep my HR low.

When should I do the 1k session? Thursday? And then maybe the 5k paced on sunday?
And what pace would you advise?


Cycle 3
Long run:
Time: 1:57:11
Distance: 16.13
Av. Pace: 7.16 (Last time 7.35 @141BPM)
Av. HR: 143 BPM

PS. Shoud I aim for a 4x2k and a 6x1k in the next cycle at the same pace? :jester:

Going for sub 45 - TheEd - 22-10-2012

you can do the 1k session on Wednesday .. pace 4.20 per k

then we roll from there and see how you are feeling


Going for sub 45 - Stef4n - 24-10-2012

1k session complete. It was a lot easier this timeSmile

What's the plan from here?

Thanks again for all the help,


Cycle 3
5x1k, R:60
Total distance: 6.30
Total Time: 34.17
AHR: 167
MaxHR: 200

Number | Pace | Avg HR | Max HR (Last time pace/AHR)
1 | 4:21 | 167 | 181 (4.20@172)
Rest: HR down to 132
2 | 4:19 | 176 | 186 (4.17@178)
R: 138
3 | 4:19 | 181 | 194 (4.22@184)
4 | 4:21 | 187 | 195 (4.37@187)
5 | 4.00 | 191 | 200 (4.44@186)

Going for sub 45 - TheEd - 25-10-2012

continue with the program as normal from Thursday

though if on the run you feel a little tired then cut the session back to 30 minutes easy

nice session and good to see it is coming together


Going for sub 45 - Stef4n - 27-10-2012

Instead of an easy run on thursday, I went to a local running group with a friend. We did some intervals, but kept it fairly easy. I only ran the last 400m a bit too fast (clocked 1.07). Felt some irritation on the muscles (!?) behind my knees. I'm not doing that again anytime soon :laugh:

Luckily I'm no longer feeling it after yesterday's rest. It's all better now.

Today I completed the 5k paced. I started around 4.40/k and when it felt good I sped up a bit on the last 2k.
It has become a lot colder all of a sudden, and I was breathing heavy. Seems like my lungs don't like a sudden temperature change like that (I'm a bit asthmatic).

Tomorrow I'm doing a longer run.
Then working my way to thursday for a new 2k session I guess?


Cycle 3
5k paced
Distance: 5.00
Total Time: 23:03 (Last time: 23.56)
AHR: 180
MaxHR: 195

Number | Time | Avg HR | Max HR
1 | 4:43 | 159 | 178
2 | 4:41 | 177 | 183
3 | 4:40 | 184 | 187
4 | 4:35 | 188 | 190
5 | 4:23 | 192 | 195