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5k in Sub 25 minutes - Printable Version

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5k in Sub 25 minutes - TheEd - 12-09-2012

you can do a 3k paced run today and see how that goes

on this occasion run 1k at 5.10 per k and then look to run 2k closer to 5 minutes per k

an easy 20 minutes on Friday and then the race on Sunday

good luck


5k in Sub 25 minutes - Sal - 12-09-2012

Just run the 3k paced.

1 - 5:08
2 - 5:12
3 - 4:44

a bit slow on the second k and slightly over compensated on 3rd k. Overall felt good.

I'll let you know how I get on Sunday.

Kind regards


5k in Sub 25 minutes - TheEd - 13-09-2012

good stuff Sal

hope the event goes well


5k in Sub 25 minutes - Sal - 16-09-2012

Hi The Ed

Was race day today.

The event was very hilly so no PB today. The first 2k went well and I was pretty much spot on my target pace....and then the hills came. It wasn't until I got to 8k that it all flatten out again. I tried to make up some time on the last 2k, but had too much to do. I was pleased that I was able to run the last 2k close to 5mins each. My splits were as follows:


Overall I'm not disappointed with this. Taking into account the hills and the head cold over the last 3 weeks I'm actually quite happy with the way I was able to finish at the end of the race.

Going forward I don't have any other 10k's planned for 2012. I do have a 10 mile race that I am thinking of doing on the 7th October. It is a race that my club run at so would like to do it, but as it is the furthest by far that I have run, I'm not looking to run a fast time, but just to finish it I would also like to do a fast 5k before the end of the year, ideally also in October.

I'm wondering whether to use the 10 mile race as longest run in the cycle working towards a fast 5k (two weeks later)?

Kind regards


5k in Sub 25 minutes - TheEd - 17-09-2012

Hi Sal, nice going .. if you doing 10k runs may¨be you should consider going onto a custom 10k training program?

look at the sub 50 minute 10k program and then we can change it according to your needs

then this will also provide more structure and will also give you the training for 5k

please let me know your thoughts


5k in Sub 25 minutes - Sal - 17-09-2012

My speed over the last 3 months since training with you has increased massively. I think I'm pretty close to getting a sub 25 minute 5k (I think! Smile )

There is a 5k park run near me, which is on every week, I have run it once before so I know the course and I'd like to have another go at this one to give a true indication of how much I've improved. (when I ran it last year I did it in 28:25).

Personally I'm not really interested in the longer races. I much prefer to train for shorter fast races. So in 2013, I really want to concentrate on getting my 5k time as fast as I can (while I'm still in my 30's!). Although I will still run in 10k's, but nothing much further than that. The 10 mile race I mentioned was just to support my club, but I'm happy to jog that one or even drop it completely if you think that is the best option.

So the plan is to run one more 5k this year, so get a decent time to work off of for next year. Pending weather, I'm aiming to run this 5k either 20th or 27th October.

As mentioned my speed has come on leaps and bounds, but what I think I need to concentrate on (maybe over the winter) is my strength/endurance. Yesterdays 10k, showed that as soon as I hit a hill, I struggled.

Happy to go with a custom plan. I think I need something for 5 weeks to get me to the final 5k race this year and then something comepletely different to build up my strength before racing again next year??

Not sure if this is possible??

Kind regards


5k in Sub 25 minutes - TheEd - 18-09-2012

Hi Sal, I think you would benefit with the sub 45 minute structure

the big difference would be the introduction of the 2k session and then the Sunday longer run

that would be all and we would still juggle your days accordingly

so let's do it



5k in Sub 25 minutes - Sal - 18-09-2012

Yep - lets give that a go and see where we get to.

Start with a 60 minute slow run tomorrow? (I've not done anything since the race on Sunday - so feel pretty rested).

5k in Sub 25 minutes - TheEd - 18-09-2012

30 to 40 minutes is fine Sal

60 to 75 minutes on weekends when you can manage

no need to do the 1hr runs during the week

good stuff


5k in Sub 25 minutes - Sal - 19-09-2012

Hi The Ed

Just completed the 40 minute run.

Everything felt good, legs weren't tired from Sundays race and breathing felt easy.

Completed 6.2k in 40 mins at a pace of 6:26. I also used a heart rate monitor to give you a bit more data. My average heart rate was 155, and max got up to 166.

Although my heart rate felt fine, was it actually a bit too high - should I be aiming to get it lower than this and actually run even slower?

Kind regards
