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Sub 35 - jamieh - 15-04-2018

One week to go...

Another good week, mostly jogging with a few marathon paced efforts starting to feel very good (frequently keeping HR under 140). Yesterday was feeling great at ParkRun so picked up after 1k to finish with another 16:30. Then today was 8k easy, 2k marathon pace and then couldn't resist a fast 1km to finish... 2:59 Smile Slightly less cautious than you would like (sorry!) but I seem to have gotten away with it.

Definitely nothing more over marathon pace now. Easy week with 4x400 at pace on Tuesday and then 2 rest days before the race on Sunday. Weight is 77kg, possibly a little less by race day if I can keep under control.

Sub 35 - TheEd - 16-04-2018

no more tests .. and .. control yourself during the 400m session (please)

Big Grin



Sub 35 - jamieh - 20-04-2018

Hey there,

So everything is in order for Sunday... except for the weather which is teetering around the 19-22C mark throughout the race with a reasonable wind.

Any last minute thoughts/advice for the heat?!

I'm planning to set off about 3s per kilometer off my target pace, certainly for the first 32k and of course not miss any drink stations.

Sub 35 - TheEd - 21-04-2018

Hi Jamie, look to apply the same strategy as done on your last marathon

there is not much you can do to alter the weather, and in truth, I would go out as normal and keep an eye on your pulse

wear a hat (sunvisor with no cover to the head) as well as sunglasses if you are used to running with such accessories

your thoughts?


Sub 35 - jamieh - 21-04-2018

Roger that! Thanks again.

Sub 35 - TheEd - 22-04-2018

Hi Jamie, I checked your time .. head up .. seems like a tough 2nd half ..

recover well, eat drink and be merry

in truth, I would look for another marathon to run a PB as soon as

I gather the rising heat caught you?

hope all OK


Sub 35 - jamieh - 22-04-2018

Thanks for the words TheEd!

Yup. Absolutely brutal in the second half. Drank everything I could but wasn't enough. Stopped for the loo at about 25k and the colour was not a healthy one!! After that I was just hanging on.

Glad to finish alive and plenty of sub 2:40 guys around/behind me so I wasn't alone in suffering!

Good news is my legs feel absolutely fine now, unlike previous marathons where I have been unable to walk or descend stairs... I actually feel fresh now I'm hydrated.

I have to admit am keen to find another. I have Abingdon again in Oct and was thinking of going for 5k/10k PB's in the mean time.

You reckon sooner is doable for another mara?


Sub 35 - TheEd - 22-04-2018

HI Jamie, I don't think there was much you could have done today .. even a slower start would probably have not been enough

good to hear you feeling OK .. however watch your urine as it seems like severe hydration occurred, so continue drinking water (more than usual) for at least the next 3 days

yes, to having a crack at the marathon sooner .. look for a suitable course and then we can discuss it



Sub 35 - jamieh - 28-04-2018

Agreed nothing more I could have done. All my training was in 0-5 degrees and the race started at 20, finished at 24+ degrees!

Struggling to find the right marathon at the right time unfortunately... so thinking I might just leave it till October and focus on 5/10k for a few months? I think with the new base mileage I can really do some damage to the 16:26/33:37 pb's and set myself up for a marathon performance in Oct if I keep the 30k+ going every few weeks.

I've also entered an Aquathlon (2k swim, 21k run) in July which I'm really excited about - perfect for me, and got invited to race the London Duathlon again in Sept.

Mentally I'm feeling good/motivated and I know I was in shape for a PB, so I don't *need* the verification Wink

What do you think?

PS legs good, reckon I can start up 2k's on Thurs.

Sub 35 - TheEd - 28-04-2018

Jamie, if you able to run a Park Run soonest followed by a 10k the week after, would be great

your 2:54 last 1k in the Park Run shows you ready for a good 'tonk'
