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Sub 40 Min Training - TheEd - 20-07-2010

the pace in some of those 1000's looks pretty impressive

what would be helpful is what your resting pulse drops to during the recovery

are you running the 5km paced on measured course or is it a paced run of sorts?

as for the inserts, you must monitor things and make sure you 'maintain' the body during exercise, avoiding tight calf muscles

I won't get too excited too soon as I know that there can often be a false dawn if one does monitor and take care of the situation .. so please be wary


Sub 40 Min Training - ihenman - 20-07-2010

The Ed,

I was very surprised when I saw the splits after the workout as well. I felt strong through the first 4, I was hauling my butt in the 5th though.

Here's the lowest point my HR dropped b/w reps 2-5.

2 143
3 148
4 154
5 149

I would presume HR during the 60 second recovery was similar b/w reps 1 and 2 but my watch messed up.

I hadn't decided how I was going to do the 5K on friday. Either on the same track or at a local park where I would just do a 2K warm UP to measure out a rough 1 K loop or so then do it there. I'd depend on my Garmin GPS watch to measure the 5K.

The benefit I had yesterday on the track was it was 100% flat and a good bouncy surface. When I did my 2000's last week it was on a crusher dust trail with slight grade, but not bouncy or as "sticky" as the track.

What would you suggest? Based on the 1000's results (which I'm still a little surprised at).

Thanks for the tip about maintenance during exercise. I didn't stretch my calfs out at all during the reps yesterday other then after my warm up then during my stretching during cool down. I tend to walk for the recovery period before starting the next rep.


Sub 40 Min Training - ihenman - 20-07-2010

After some investigation I realized why the times are so off. I used the GPS feature of my watch to track my K's since I couldn't evenly stay on the inside lane of the track (there were kids soccer and basketball camps going on for summer). Because I had to keep running to the outside and inside I depended on my watch to give me the distance, what I didn't think about was that the watch samples very 4 seconds and there were some tall residence buildings around the course which affected my line of site for the GPS in my watch.

Long and short, I was running less then a K, exactly how much I'm not sure, but my times are probably more on par with what they should be in the 3:40 range is my guess.

Next time I do these I will go either earlier or later and just use the inside track lane and 2.5 laps to count it.

I knew I wasn't in that kind of shape yet, I remember what 2:30 and 2:40 K's (note accurate after thinking about it... more like 3:00 K's) used to feel like in my early 20's and yesterday wasn't it Smile


Sub 40 Min Training - TheEd - 20-07-2010

Big Grin 2.30 and 2.40

heavens .. would be lovely to add 30 seconds to that and do sessions at that pace

let me know how it goes .. hopefully we can round things out nicely for the paced run


Sub 40 Min Training - ihenman - 20-07-2010

TheEd Wrote:Big Grin 2.30 and 2.40


Exaggeration Smile I ran about a 4 Minute 1500M when I was university age and did the calculation it's not that fast. Should've have stopped and thought before I put both my feet in my mouth.

Sub 40 Min Training - TheEd - 21-07-2010

a 4 minute 1500m is still pretty impressive and should seriously help in running a faster 5km with that kind of background


Sub 40 Min Training - ihenman - 23-07-2010


Ran the 5K Pace this morning, did it on a track to get accurate distance.

Time 19:36 AVG HR 183
3:57 AVG HR 170
3:57 AVG HR 181
3:55 AVG HR 185
3:53 AVG HR 188
3:51 AVG HR 191

It felt good, wasn't all out. I never had the heavy feeling of lactate taking over my quads, although my breathing was some what labored. It was starting to get warm about 24-25 degrees Celcius.

Recovery was pretty quick jogged a 2K cool down then stretched.

I feel I am on OK pace to hit my goal of running sub 40 later this summer for a 10 K, if I'm lucky maybe even sub 39 in October or quicker Smile

Would you recommend I do the 60 Easy tomorrow and then the 400's Monday? Or take a day off tomorrow and then 60 Min Sunday and 400's Tuesday?


Sub 40 Min Training - ihenman - 26-07-2010

Saturday tried a 60 min, but had some discomfort in my right leg so I cut it short to 30 minutes then took yesterday off.

Today did the 10 X 400 M, shin was a little sore after all the reps. I didn't have good form for the first 4 or 5 as things felt a lot smoother when I concentrated on my posture and leg movement.

REP 1 89 Sec AVG HR 149
REP 2 84 Sec AVG HR 160
REP 3 82 Sec AVG HR 164
REP 4 79 Sec AVG HR 167
REP 5 82 Sec AVG HR 167
REP 6 83 Sec AVG HR 169
REP 7 82 Sec AVG HR 169
REP 8 82 Sec AVG HR 172
REP 9 82 Sec AVG HR 171
REP 10 82 Sec AVG HR 171

They all felt pretty good even though they were faster then suggested.

Gonna take tomorrow off then an easy run Wed and the Fartlek on Friday. I don't have a race coming up but I am gonna keep the mileage down because of the shin.

Any feedback on those rep times and my 5 K paced time would be good. I'll start my second cycle next week and do my 2 K's on the same track I did the 5K and the 400's so I can see how my fitness level is doing.


Sub 40 Min Training - TheEd - 27-07-2010

the 400m session would be heavy on the calf muscles and that in-turn will put stress on the shin area

so this would be a normal area fatigue after such a session

the 400m session is 3000m pace and should be up to 10 seconds per km faster than the 1000m session .. it is also easier to run quicker unintentionally

maybe consider a 6 x 600m session instead of the 400m in the future

we shall discuss at a later date



Sub 40 Min Training - ihenman - 27-07-2010

OK, i was going too fast. I get caught up in going as fast as I can for the # of Reps I think rather then thinking about can I maintain this pace for the distance the pace is for.


2000M = Target 10K Pace
1000M = 5K Pace
400-600M = 3K Pace

I will try the 600's the next time around.

Thank You,
