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Sub 35 - TheEd - 20-07-2013

most definitely a good session and especially considering the heat and weight

try give feedback re: weight before mid-Monday so I can reply regarding Tuesday session

hope you currently in a good space


Sub 35 - jamieh - 22-07-2013

Hey there,

Weight at about 78 today after a weekend of relatively sensible eating. Need to get another kilo or so off by the weekend but shouldn't be a problem.

Ran 18k easy in the hills on Sat & 10k on Sun (treadmill@15k/h) after a hard bike session. Easy 10k today in the heat (33 degrees in Lon!) which felt good.

Any thoughts on a session for tomorrow before race build up on Thu/Fri?


Sub 35 - jamieh - 23-07-2013

Went ahead with 3x1600 off 3mins again on treadmill at 0.5%. Felt great at 3:14-3:16 pace and was completely recovering in the 3min rests.


Planning easy day tomorrow. 20min light tempo Thurs + 6x1min on Fri ready for Sunday race.


Sub 35 - TheEd - 24-07-2013

all looking good .. have a good one


Sub 35 - jamieh - 31-07-2013

Hey there,

24th/50 pro's on Sunday. A good hit out and was generally pleased with pacing (other than swim, which should have been faster). 35:20 for the 10k off a tough bike (and a very twisty course which is bad for me as I take a while to accelerate!).

So. I now have 6 weeks until the big races (Aquathlon Worlds on Sept 11th, then Triathlon Worlds on Sept 15th). This is where the hard training block begins...

Legs are feeling awesome today after a couple of easy days. I was planning on kicking off with the 2k's tomorrow. I have time for 2x full cycles then maybe something a bit different for the last week before the races?


I'm considering a training camp in France week of Aug 12th. Do you have any thought's on best use of such a week re: running? If I start with 2k's tomorrow and carry on program as usual that would mean I did the 400's, Fartlek + 'race' during that week. Should I do something different and adjust program to make use of all the rest etc? Obviously I'll be doing lots of biking/swimming.

Hope all is well!

Sub 35 - TheEd - 31-07-2013

nice to hear you in positive mode .. makes things more enjoyable, no doubt

for the training, go through the first cycle Day 3 to Day 8

thereafter, let's chat again to see where you can do further 'overload' the 2nd weekend for example .. you can do quality Thursday to and including Sunday

thereafter you have to allow for the body to recover

the overload should be provided more from the swimming

1 brick session on the Saturday

then a full aerobic ride on the Sunday

your thoughts?


Sub 35 - jamieh - 31-07-2013

Thanks! That sounds great actually.

In fact there is a fast sprint Tri (750,20k,5k) on the Wednesday evening after training camp. So I could potentially do the overload week as you say (ending with a long recovery ride on the Sunday), then recover Mon/Tues and race the Weds. Then see where I am and plan the final cycle before worlds from there?


Sub 35 - jamieh - 01-08-2013



Weight: 77.5
Temp: 26 degrees

Oh dear! Not exactly sure what happened this morning but I completely bonked after the first 2 reps. I'm guessing it was the heat + not having any breakfast (although I've done this session ok on empty stomach before I think, though not in heat). I was hydrated but I did lose over 2 kilos during the session which is excessive in 40 mins!

Knew I was in trouble half-way through 3rd rep when legs felt completely dead, but decided to suffer through rest of the session (I need to work on my suffering anyway!). It was all I could do to basically jog the last 2.


Sub 35 - TheEd - 01-08-2013

focus on recovery .. make sure you have refueled as much as you can (not sweets Wink)

for the sprint TRI, if I was you I would focus on 'hammering' the swim, so that you climb on the bike tired and figure out a way to recover on the bike while maintaining a speed

in the run, simply roll out picking up the pace over the last 2k only

from what I read you are struggling psychologically when up against the 'better' athletes and look to be conserving your energy (if not conserving your energy, you are not at the event during the swim, so this attitude needs changing)

I would like to read after the sprint TRI the difference it made and will make for future events

all the best


Sub 35 - jamieh - 01-08-2013

I think you're absolutely right re: the swim & where I am psychologically. And for the sprint-tri my plan was also to HAMMER the swim Smile. Will give you a full breakdown after the race so we can talk from there.

Will revert to you after my 1k's on tuesday so we can discuss sessions for following week on training camp.