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A new goal - IamWill - 15-03-2012

Hi TheEd,

Thanks. No worries. Bugfree now. Nevertheless, I won't push it during the 5k.

Can I do an easy run on my rest day, since I already had my rest days?


A new goal - TheEd - 15-03-2012

yebo, doing the easy run shouldn't be a problem for now

normally we do not try to make up for what is lost but on this occasion it seems fine, Yes?


A new goal - IamWill - 15-03-2012

Yes, I think it's a good idea. The 5x2 and the 6x1 intervals are no problem at the pace we've set, but the total mileage is something I have to get used to. If I manage to adhere to the rest of the program, I'm pretty confident I'll manage to break 38 minutes in my next 10K. I'll keep all the non-paced runs very easy to avoid overtraining.

A new goal - TheEd - 15-03-2012

The key sessions are from Day 3 to Day 8

5 x 2k

Longer Run

6 x 1k

get those in and we can balance things out accordingly, missing a day's running where necessary

not trying to make up for it .. then the next cycle you try to build on that structure .. missing maybe less runs

do it slowly and systematically and the performance should match the training

onwards and forwards


A new goal - IamWill - 19-03-2012

Listened to your advice, rested on the rest day and did the 5k yesterday just running at a pace that felt like 4:00 but without really checking the pace and without pushing myself. Turned out I ran it in 20:50: quite slow! I'm not dissatisfied, because my legs feel less fatigued already than past week (That 6x1 followed by two more days of running felt tough).

I'm trying to get into a nice 12k race on the race day of this cycle and then do one more cycle and try a 10k race again.


A new goal - TheEd - 19-03-2012

good stuff .. look forward and try to get the legs to recover


A new goal - IamWill - 21-03-2012

Hi TheEd,

Recovery went well. I did my 60 & 30 minute easy runs and today my 10x400m R60.

1: 86s
2: 79s
3: 79s
4: 85s
5: 86s
6: 83s
7: 82s
8: 82s
9: 84s

I went a bit too fast in some laps, but after all the sensible resting and pacing in previous days, I felt I could let go a bit:p.

Any tips what to aim for in the 12k I'll be running on Sunday based on my 2x5k, 6x1k and 10x400m?



A new goal - TheEd - 21-03-2012

be careful with the 400m session as it can sometimes have a negative affect on the legs if the runner is not used to the session

then as for pace .. add 5 seconds per k to your 2k session and start out at that pace



A new goal - IamWill - 26-03-2012

Hi TheEd,

The 12k race went well. I finished in 47:41. Considering the course (many dunes, km 5 - 8 were on the beach. Running in soft sand towards the harder sand close to the sea and, when leaving the beach, climbing quite some meters in the soft sand was pretty tough), I'm very happy with that time.

My 4k split time was 15:24
My 8k split time was 31:23

I went out to fast (first km was 3:36), trying to keep up with the fastest guys in my wave. I managed to do so and actually overtook most of them on the beach. I do wonder whether a more conservative approach would have resulted in a faster time...

I'll take a couple of days off now, because today I feel sickSad. Next week I'll start a new cycle.

All the best,


A new goal - TheEd - 26-03-2012

keep me informed ..

the race approach is a learning process and conserving your energy in the early kilometers while maintaining pace is what experienced racing gained from the benefits of training is all about

