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Sub 35 - Printable Version

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Sub 35 - TheEd - 08-03-2013

Hi Jamie, you can roll the 6 x 1k session out accordingly, however you need to get some aerobic work in elsewhere

so you can hammer all the disciplines at a later stage

the running can be cut down to just the quality sessions, you then need to get some aerobic in before you start doing all the disciplines with the same amount of intensity, that way you have less chance of breaking down

remem, you trying to build for the season and not specifically for the 1st April



Sub 35 - jamieh - 12-03-2013

6x1k R60 (Track)

3:20 (AvHR 153, MAX 158)
3:19 (AvHR 153, MAX 158)
3:20 (AvHR 153, MAX 164)
3:22 (AvHR 153, Max 166)
3:22 (AvHR 153, MAX 166)
3:17 (AvHR 154, MAX 169)

Got through the session today but the wind was super strong (gusting at 25mph+) so the times are a bit meaningless. I was working very hard & wore HR Monitor and was getting it very high for me as you can see! Almost hit 170 at the end which is where my eyes start to pop out of my head Smile

Sub 35 - TheEd - 13-03-2013

OK great .. remember not to bang it too much into the wind as it can have a negative impact on your training by creating unnecessary fatigue which will affect the balance of the program

please ask for clarity on this if needed

ps.. will get your 'blog' sorted now that you back on it again Wink .. didn't want to put pressure when you were not 'top drawer'

Sub 35 - jamieh - 25-03-2013

Quick update:

My tibialis posterior raised it's head again last weekend (could hardly be called 'pain' but was a tiny bit sore to the touch after running). I've no interest in taking risks so I decided on another re-hab week & have been seeing my physio regularly + running only on even surfaces/treadmill.

Managed a fairly comfortable 16:50 5k on the treadmill (after a 3hr bike & 1500m hard swim) on Saturday + a nice steady 15k yesterday - all painless so think I'm actually on the mend now.

Will keep you posted, but either way I'm having an easy week this week (just jogging) + will do light-tempo/fartlek sessions on Fri/Sat leading into the triathlon on Monday 1st. It's only a 5k run so shouldn't be any problems.

After that I am skiing for a week, so will treat that as a strengthening & rest week (no running but lots of core work morning/evenings on top of the skiing).

After that I can start over, injury free, for the tri-race season proper. First world qualifier is 2nd June.

Bike/Swim are progressing really nicely Smile

Hope all is well with you!


Sub 35 - TheEd - 26-03-2013

here's hoping everything clears up soon so you can start moving in the right direction

and with experience

a sub 17 minute 5k is an easy run these days Wink

good stuff


Sub 35 - jamieh - 28-03-2013

Haha... not sure I'd say sub-17 is an easy run. But definitely manageable Wink

Got the all clear from my physio on the ankle yesterday. Woohoo!


3x1600 off full recovery (4mins) today on the track.


Weight: 78
Weather: quite Windy (10mph)

Took the first one a little easier to test the ankle, but it felt great so went harder on last two. Felt nice & bouncy and really enjoyed the session. Great swimming session this morning also (20x100s off 90s, cruising 68/69's all the way).

Fingers crossed should be able to put something decent down at the Tri on Monday. Planning on 20min light tempo tomorrow, then 6x1min on Sat.

Have a cracking easter break!


Sub 35 - jamieh - 02-04-2013

1st place in the Tri yesterday Smile

Very cold (-1) & windy (18mph) conditions + made a few silly errors costing me 1min in T2, so very pleased to have come out on top! Solid start to the season.

Ran the same speed as when I was on top form last August (even with numb feet!) so looks like I've not lost too much with the injury. All feeling great today but going to take it nice and easy (nothing over 30mins) until at least Thurs.

Hope all is well with you. Will get in touch so we can discuss plan moving towards the big races! Smile


Sub 35 - TheEd - 02-04-2013

well done Jamie .. best we get your website up Wink

thanks for the 'promo' there Big Grin

your swim was powerful


Sub 35 - jamieh - 07-05-2013

Hey there,

Hope all is well with you, sorry long-time no post. Crazy month of travelling with work and squeezing in training where possible, not much time for anything else!!

I got through the last cycle mainly with treadmill running for quality (2k's at 3:22 pace, 1k's at 3:18 pace, 400's at 74/75s pace).

Anyway, despite thinking I'd lost a lot of form last month, I had 2 solid back-to-back races this Sun/Mon (despite being heavily jet lagged after a flight back from San Francisco on Saturday!).

- 5th at Aquathlon World Champs qualifier (750m swim, 5k run) on tough off-road course. Beaten by strong runners, but qualified 1st in Age Group Smile
- 1st in the second Thames Turbo Sprint race (500m swim, 22k bike, 5k run). I actually pb'd in all 3 disciplines so very pleased with that result.

2x off-road 5k's in 2 days have left my ankles a little sore so taken today completely off (feeling better already). Planning very easy jog tomorrow then kicking off with 2k's on Thurs. This is an important cycle as really important race (World Olympic Distance Tri qualifier) on 2nd June.

FYI am planning (if I qualify) to race both the Aquathlon and Triathlon world champs in London. There are 4 days between the races, with the aquathlon first (which is 750 swim, 5k run) so I think that should be plenty of time to recover if I play it carefully...?


Sub 35 - TheEd - 07-05-2013

nice Jamie however you do know by now to give the legs time to recover, weight bearing equals 'ouch' after racing

seriously looking to have you go sub 16 for 5k this summer

so we need to get the 1k session down to 3.10 and we will both be smiling

