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Trying to get to sub 45 now need help! - Printable Version

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Trying to get to sub 45 now need help! - TheEd - 27-03-2018

Babsy, do note, your legs were already tired, so focus on active recovery

consider swimming as your active recovery, and then do the 6 x 1 min fast with 1 min slow before your event

hopefully everything feels better

ps.. how often are you doing the long run? On the program the longest run is every 3 weeks, you not doing a long run every week are you?

Trying to get to sub 45 now need help! - Babsyrun - 28-03-2018

Hi there,

I have been running a long run once a week yes. I wanted to do that more than once every 3 weeks due to my half in June?

Should I try my x6 1km next week before my 5km race? If so what day would be best?


Trying to get to sub 45 now need help! - TheEd - 28-03-2018

OK .. lets dig a little deeper into this

you went onto the program, had success through the cycles and have done the off-period and build-up

let us analyse as to when you upped your weekly long run distance and to where you began doing a long run every week.

The program is designed in a way to be progressive, and you are able to run a half marathon off the program by increasing the long run to 18km

your 10k pace development will assist you over the longer distances, as you will be running at slower pace

what is your aim in the 21k event?

have you read the various articles associated to the program? for example: thoughts behind the 10k program

do not do the 1k session before the 5k race.

let's get a few questions answered here and then we can focus towards the event

all the best


Trying to get to sub 45 now need help! - Babsyrun - 30-03-2018

Hi Ed,

In answer to last I probably tried to do it regularly before my half and then after which was November 2017. That was when I did the off train ad build up. I see what you might be saying the increase in miles has slowed me down?
My aim is to get sub 1hour 49 in my half event.

I think I have been schooled in the long run per week and it’s hard to get out of that mindset. I have read the feedback on the plans and I think I was giving my self a hard time for not progressing as I had been. Are you saying that I need to continue with the 3week cycle and the long run in the that will be suffice?

Thanks for all your help it’s been so useful.

Trying to get to sub 45 now need help! - TheEd - 30-03-2018

Hi Babsyrun, increasing mileage too quickly and believing that by doing more will lead to results, is not a new 'doing' by runners.

With the programs, the long run every 3 weeks should be suffice, however with time and progression, your easy runs in the 2nd week after Saturday paced run, should increase to a longer distance.

However, we look to get results off a minimum as possible to start, and then increase things as the adaptation is more effective.

You could in effect be running tired now. You only want to be truly tired up and until Day 10, and thereafter you want to feel a spring coming back into your step, and then by week 3 all you want to do is race.

What we need to do with you now is freshen you up and have you training where you can rebuild your confidence.

Be kind to yourself, as you have had great progress, and there is no need to beat yourself up.

Enjoy your 5k


Trying to get to sub 45 now need help! - Babsyrun - 01-04-2018

Hi Ed,

Thanks for the words of encouragement. I did however surprise the heck out of myself and for my 5k run went on a track. Well....first under 7 minute mike and overall time 21:16!!!! I know I know Ok quick but couldn’t believe it. I didn’t do a long run today and did a very slow 5 miles instead. What next? My plans for next weekend are to do a 5k race on Sunday?

I know I know I did it too quick....loved it! It’s restored so much of my confidence a lot of good.

Trying to get to sub 45 now need help! - TheEd - 02-04-2018

Hi there Babsyrun, I am only too happy that you have got your confidence back

now, do not go make the mistake of pushing the next time out, and then not going great and reverting back to the 'feeling of negativity'

have you an event this weekend?


Trying to get to sub 45 now need help! - Babsyrun - 03-04-2018

Hi Ed,

Thank you and yes you are right I need to not get carried away. It was on a track so under normal courses wouldn't be able to get near that yet.

Plan is 5 k race on Saturday. Today I have the x 4 5 mins 10k pace session.

In terms of the half in June should I just continue with the plan, or Would you suggest a long run every 2 weeks or every week?


Trying to get to sub 45 now need help! - TheEd - 03-04-2018

Hi Babsyrun, we can discuss the long run routine on a weekly basis

race this weekend and then we can plan thereafter

enjoy TheEd

Trying to get to sub 45 now need help! - Babsyrun - 04-04-2018

Hi Ed,

Thanks for that again.

Will get to my 5 k this weekend.

I am all out of sync now as I also have a 10k race next Sunday.

Could you also give me some pointers for next weeks' training as I don't want to obviously have my heaving week of days 3 and 5?

Thanks again advance,
