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Sub 35:00 10km - Printable Version

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Sub 35:00 10km - NtutuL - 29-08-2015

I ended up doing a short fartlek session, the Moneghetti Fartlek which is only 20 minutes of running with the recoveries and the reps are 90s or shorter
with equal time recovery jog after each rep. Didn't try test myself or aim for any sort of pace, just found a rhythm where I was running fast without exerting myself. Did it as a continuous run with 3.5km WU and 3.5km CD to maintain a continuous aerobic stimulus


Sub 35:00 10km - NtutuL - 06-09-2015

Race yesterday was okay. Some awful weather rolled into gauteng over the weekend. It rained all of Friday, and Saturday morning and was still raining 30 minutes before the race. So it was wet, cold and windy. The start of the race was delayed by 15minutes too after we were all lined up. It was never going to be a day for fast running. I had a decent run 36:30 with a slight negative split, I couldn't push through the cold and ended up more at hard tempo effort than anything:

3:37 (18:18)
3:31 (36:30)

The course was rolling, hence the almost rhythmic oscillation of my splits.

I'm starting a new job on Monday so I've decided now is the perfect time to jump into an off-period while I settle in and then a build up. My main goal when I come back is a 5km on 22 November, and then there's the street mile on 5 December. I think I need to just shift from 10km training for a bit and just look at a different challenge. I'll still probably race another 10km maybe early November but I'd really like to train specifically for the 5km, it's not flat but looking to improve my course PB, 17:29, from last year and should have 8 weeks after an off-period/build up to train for it. How would you adjust the 10km program for 5km specific training?


Sub 35:00 10km - TheEd - 07-09-2015

Hi Ntutu, you are able to race varying distances off the 10k training programs

to race a mile / 1500m you would simply add a new session in, only one would be necessary and that would give you the opportunity of running fast

the program is also designed to be able to race 5k or 5000m

good luck with the change in job and may the off-period and build-up be beneficial

on we go


Sub 35:00 10km - NtutuL - 07-09-2015

Thanks Smile So far so good, looking forward to having more time to myself now, for everything, training, friends and most importantly family!

Just to clarify regarding the training, after two blocks each of 4x of the 10km cycles, while I enjoy the 3 week structure, I'm feeling a little bit jaded with the high volume 2km session and would like after the build up to do a couple of cycles of not having to think of that session and work at faster paces but still with a similar flow of workouts. I like how the program flows towards race day but honestly I dread the 2km session at the moment, even though I get through it fine. After my proposed build up, it's only 8 weeks to the mile race and I think I would mentally benefit over such a short period with faster, dare I say more fun, lower volume sessions. After the mile race I'll look to get back to the 10km 2km>1km>400m structure again to prep for races in the new year. I hope that makes sense.

Sub 35:00 10km - TheEd - 11-09-2015

HI Ntutu, sadly, the 2k session is what makes the runner and the best solution is to try find a training partner to get you through the dread of that session

it is the most important session and in truth it only happens once every 3 weeks. Try to find someone who can run the last 600m with you, try to share the load. It is tough but it works, make it your aim to find training partners for that session

there is plenty of variation to the program however this is the one standout session

please look at my suggestion and see what can be done

ps.. how you feel is not unique, it is how you cope with it that shall make you unique

Sub 35:00 10km - TheEd - 28-09-2015

How things going Ntutu?


Sub 35:00 10km - NtutuL - 01-10-2015

I had a nice long response typed up but something went haywire after trying to post Sad Anyway, let me try again.

Things are going well, still adjusting to my new routine, which is actually not much of a routine, as I'm mostly being shown the ropes, doing a lot of job shadowing so it's erratic at the moment. October and November will be less chaotic but not much better as I have formal training and then it's university exams. Still hoping to run some races in November though and a 15km at the end of October.

So with the scene set, training has been interesting. I wouldn't call what I'm doing training but I'm going for runs where I can. During the week I usually have max 45-60 minutes to run, though I can go longer during the weekend, and double days are out of the question. Where a slot opens up during the week I've been getting in a longer 70-75min run. Just to add some variety I do a short tempo or a fartlek when i can but not consistently. I've been lucky to be able to do some runs over the weekend with Caroline Wostmann and that's actually let me build up my long run to 1h30-1h45 and I manged a 2hr run last week but that will be once off. So in short I'm just douing mileage, maintaining fitness and pushing my endurance boundaries where I can.

I'm looking ahead to next year already, just more from the fact that December and January are awful months to train hard and race, it's already 30+ degrees now so I shudder to think how hot it will get then. After the November races I'm going to go to what I'm doing now and get in a longer build up then look to start 'training' in February. In terms of goals, I want to aim for a longer race, looking to train specifically, from an endurance and stamina point of view, not just doing one at the end of a 10km training cycle, at either a half marathon or a 25km race. I really feel like a change in stimulus will benefit me, just to get out of the grind of 10k training for 20-24 weeks, then from winter next year look to get back on it again. I'm secretly hoping for a Paula Radcliffe type effect where I come back from a longer race and bring the strength gained down to the 10km. I've definitely hit a performance plateau, despite the fact that my capacity in training is much higher than it was this time last year.

This is a selection of my chronological 10km race results in the last 18 months: 36:25 (Apr '14), 35:46 (May '14, PB), 36:41 (July '14), 36:20 (Sep '14), 36:27 (Oct '14), 38:19 (Dec '14 HOT!), 37:29 (Feb'15), 36:15 (May '15), 36:12 (June '15), 36:19 (July '15), 36:24 (Sep '15), 36:27 (Sep '15)

And on that, I'm really enjoying that aspect, being able to consistently keep with a 6h12 comrades runner on a long run and be fully aerobic (we chat the whole way) is something I never thought I would be doing Smile

I also have it in the back of mind that on the two occasions in the past when I've trained for longer races, and half and then a full marathon, I've come back from those are when training for shorter races taken huge chunks off and feeling like I could run forever once the leg speed came back.

What are you thoughts?

Sub 35:00 10km - TheEd - 02-10-2015

Hi Ntutu, you must do what you must do. You need to learn to put it together on race day. Once you achieve this, the results will come.

I believe in less is better, getting the results according to the training, and then building the athlete further.

You added a lot of aerobic into the program and spoke of coping with it, however you also spoke of getting sick etc

you had the increase in mileage, the fastest 1k ever and all the sessions, but not the results on race day.

you need to find the balance. You definitely show you enjoy your running but do complicate matters at times. I have had far less talented athletes running sub 34 for 10k, and believe you have the ability to achieve the same.

keep in contact, as I certainly enjoy your feedback

all the best


Sub 35:00 10km - NtutuL - 02-10-2015

Thanks, really appreciate the vote of confidence Smile

I know a lot of it is in my head, not so much physical as you've outline, which is also why I want to forget about the time and the PB for a bit, even it's just six months, work on other areas, clear my head, then come back hopefully champing at the bit. Getting to sub 34 is where I want to believe I should be at, and also that it's only a matter of time, and this program is the way to get there.

Will definitely keep in contact, either via this thread and definitely on facebook


Sub 35:00 10km - TheEd - 02-10-2015

Hi Ntutu, after years of experience and 'sadly' having seen it all before, I do have a different approach, and that is where I try to guide the athlete through the process.

I observed (which can be difficult if only online), the problem and hence why I wanted you to focus on running a sub 17 minute 5k, to take your 'angst' out of trying to break 35 minutes (which I thought was below, what you should be aiming for)

Running is about acceptance. Accepting the pain involved in running and learning to embrace it. To then learn how to run in discomfort and to balance it with focus on form and energy distribution. It is a continual coping aspect and learning to create positive thoughts, no matter what the circumstances are. Focusing on form, taking 1 km at a time, not focusing on simply 'feeling great'

jumping out in a 10k and aiming for sub 17 to the first 5k, and then simply dealing with what comes next. Learning stress management via form and being positive. Actually challenging oneself and to hell with feeling comfortable over the last few km of the event.

To much science and not enough 'nuance' associated to the 'rawness' of running. The natural gift of having ability and simply 'doing it'

enjoy it, stop with the expectations and to free oneself of being scared of failure and not achieving.

sorry for the rambling


hope it was somewhat helpful
