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When to start program? Need advice. - Printable Version

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When to start program? Need advice. - kilroy - 13-05-2009

Hi Ed,

Did the 400s yesterday, on road. Not good for legs, should be doing that on track or similar. Think you said it before. Sad

Paced to quickly first interval, little unused to outdoors. That first and second interval made me quite tired from start. Quite okay rest of the session.

1.18 (hr avg 146 - resting low 105)
1.20 (hr avg 151 - resting low 104)
1.21 (hr avg 149 - resting low 104)
1.22 (hr avg 152 - resting low 119)
1.23 (hr avg 153 - resting low 114)
1.22 (hr avg 155 - resting low 125)
1.24 (hr avg 158 - resting low 119)
1.23 (hr avg 159 - resting low 129)
1.23 (hr avg 159 - resting low 129)
1.23 (hr avg 161)

Time incl. rest: 23:28
Intervals avg: 1:21,9 (154 hr) = 3.24,9 /k
Session avg hr: 155
Session max hr: 175

Read in another post that you don´t recommend 400s before a important race? Then why is the 400s 4 days before race day in the training program?

I am planning to race next Tuesday so this was 7 days before my race. That´s ok?

BR /Kilroy

When to start program? Need advice. - TheEd - 13-05-2009

Hi kilroy the explanation of the 400's before a main race didn't come out properly, it was more to do with the playing of basketball on the same day as the 400's (will go back to that post and check things out further and edit where necessary, thanks for that heads up)
changed to (edit - you shouldn't be playing basketball and doing 400's on the same day)

in your case your development should be such that a 400m session should be comfortable, however for the future rather do this session on the track and if possible a grass track

everything depends on the athlete's development and if you look in that other post the runner is quite inexperienced and is doing things which does not enhance their running chances.

try get your legs to recover if they took a little road pounding

you in fine fettle so remain positive your legs will be fine for race day

let's go through the final days before the race next Tuesday .. reverse the sessions from Tuesday so your 1 minute fast with 1 minute slow would be on Sunday

what would the rest of your days look like?

ps.. you in shape for a fine 10k, the rest is up to you, don't put unexpected pressure on yourself and look to the 5k from Saturday because if the truth be known 19:30 through the first 5k in the 10k should be fine

When to start program? Need advice. - kilroy - 13-05-2009

Ah.. I see.
Agree, that combo may not be the best.
So still, the 400s is a session to be done about 4 days before a race?

Okay, I will do the 'fartlek' on Sunday.

Rest of the days are planned like this (feel free to give feedback):

Wed (today): Easy run 8k a.m + possible Bike 25-35k (easy, pulse 130) p.m
Thu: Swim a.m + Bike 30-40k (easy, pulse 130) p.m
Fri: Rest
Sat: Easy run 6-8k
Sunday: Fartlek run 30 min (1x1 min)
Mon: Easy run 4-5k OR rest
Tue: 10k race p.m

Yes, the sub40 will come any race. If not this time, maybe next. Will not put pressure like last time, any race is still a good experience.

BR /Kilroy

When to start program? Need advice. - TheEd - 13-05-2009

take a rest on the Monday ..

and the rest on the Friday is also fine unless you want to put the Monday run there?

Your 5k from Saturday should give you a great amount of confidence for the race



When to start program? Need advice. - kilroy - 20-05-2009

Hi Ed,

Raced 10k yesterday, 2 laps on a 5k route. 80% gravel, 20% asphalt.
Nice weather. Quite messy first k with 1000 runners.

New PR but not sub 40.. can you believe it, 40:17 :mad:
Lost the race at the 6th k (4:15) :confused:, don´t know why that was so slow.

Was on target by the 7th k (28:00).. didn´t manage to push last 3 k below 4 min/k.

Think I am to afraid of pushing me to the limits and also the watch may be a cause to set pace around 4k instead of listening to the body. Will run without instant pace feedback next time.

1. 3:51 (161)
2. 3:57 (168)
3. 3:58 (169)
4. 3:58 (170)
5. 3:58 (171)
6. 4:14 (172)
7. 4:01 (174)
8. 4:08 (175)
9. 4:04 (178)
10. 4:04 (178)

5k: 19:44
10k: 40:17

Over and out
BR /Kilroy

When to start program? Need advice. - TheEd - 20-05-2009

Hi kilroy and congrats

I probably have more faith in your ability than you have and I recommend that the next time you set the target of 19:30 through the first 5k and then switch the watch sounds etc off and focus on maintaining the effort related to how you would run during your 2000m sessions

forget sub 40 minutes and focus on sub 39 minutes, please?


when's your next race?



When to start program? Need advice. - kilroy - 27-05-2009

Hi Ed and thanks.

I agree to your proposal. Will also try to stay more focused between 6-8k where I think it´s tough.

Next race is 5k next Wednesday, need some advice upcoming days.
Mon: 10,2k run. Progressive pace, last 4k @ 4:20. HR 148
Tue: Biked 52k (1h 45 min) yesterday. HR 130

Sat: 40 min easy (8k)
Mon: 6x1 fartlek 30 min
Tue: Rest
Wed: race 5k

All of best /Kilroy

When to start program? Need advice. - TheEd - 27-05-2009

You can slot in the 6 x 1000m session for good measure on Thursday

Wednesday: Maintain the 1hr runs .. are you still able to run 1hr comfortably without problems? What distance are you covering and at what pulse range on average, please?

Fri: 8k paced up to 145 bpm max


please give me your thoughts on this



When to start program? Need advice. - kilroy - 27-05-2009

Thanks Ed.

Think the sessions during May has been on race focus (3rd week in cycle sessions) with the canceled race 9th, replaced with 5k time trial), and the race 19th... and now the upcoming race 3rd of June.

The easy runs during this period has been between 6-12k and at pulse range 142-148. Have no problems with injuries to keep easy runs between 45-60mins.

During this time I have increased the bike sessions to approx. 2 sessions/week (80-100k).

Rested 3 days in a row, fri-sun last week due to sore throat. Not 100% at mornings yet but in general ok body.

Think the monday session was good, heavy legs at start but then really good.

BR/ Kilroy

When to start program? Need advice. - TheEd - 27-05-2009

OK .. you getting the general idea of things and your understanding seems to be high

the only need is to replicate your training in races

and this will come if you keep your racing natural and according to the same effort you put in during training.

for your next test I recommend you do it without the heart rate monitor and simply run the 5k with your watch running, without looking at your watch push yourself according to the pain threshold you are familiar with during training

the results follow .. you have to overcome expectation and fear of failure with the self confidence to test yourself to a level of effort achieved in training, the 2000m session should make racing a joy

you have to develop your game mind on those days and this certainly takes learning, so use the 5k to practise

