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Powell and Gay test positive

Tyson Gay - Asafa Powell

Tyson Gay – Asafa Powell

Sprint stars Asafa Powell and Tyson Gay have both returned positive drugs tests. [Read more…]

Campbell-Brown tests for diuretic

Veronica Campbell-Brown

Veronica Campbell-Brown

Jamaican sprinter Veronica Campbell-Brown returned a positive test at the May 4 Jamaica Invitational at the National Stadium. [Read more…]

Cheats exposed from Helsinki 2005

Nadzeya Ostapchuk

Nadzeya Ostapchuk

No matter how slowly the wheels may turn when it comes to catching cheats, the mere fact that it is happening shows that even after a period of 8 years there can still be justice.

The International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) has re-tested a selection of doping samples collected at the 2005 IAAF World Championships, Helsinki, Finland, from a wide range of disciplines and nations, and the results have revealed a further six adverse findings. [Read more…]

Hirt tests positive

Hassan Hirt

Hassan Hirt

Traces of erythropoietin (EPO) were found in sample A of French athlete Hassan Hirt’s urine, who participated Wednesday morning in the  5000m heats at the London Olympics, where he finished 11th in 13’35” 26. [Read more…]