The 10K is believed to be distance that gives you a marker for all events; above 10Km, that you may attempt. In the early 80's many of the leading 10K athletes stepped up to the marathon with success.
This section will be developed solely for the improvement of your 10km Personal Best [ PB ]. In order for you to achieve success at this distance, there are certain elements in your training that have to be taken into consideration, so that you are able to race the distance to your full potential.
These elements are the dynamics to a successful program, and the balance between your lifestyle and training is of the utmost importance. We will take it 'foregranted' that most of the persons who will be attempting these programs are not 'professional' athletes and have to hold down a daily job. Yep, that's life.
Now there are no real secrets to a 10k training program. You need to apply the following to your training; in your schedule you need to add the quality of running at the 10K pace, you hope to achieve. Then you also have to be running at 5K pace and then added to this is a long run 1.5 to 2 times the 10K distance. This long run will be measured in 'time on feet' and not at pace.
The more developed the athlete, the more quality and quantity the program will have. We will be providing the following programs :
sub 60min - for athletes who have a PB under 65min
sub 55min - for athletes who have a PB under 60min
sub 50min - for athletes who have a PB under 55min
sub 45min - for athletes who have a PB under 50min
sub 40min - for athletes who have a PB under 45min
sub 35min - for athletes who have a PB under 38min
sub 33min - for athletes who have a PB under 34.30min
sub 31min - for athletes who have a PB under 32.30min
For sub 30min and sub29min apply within - email
View the following :
- sub 31 min 10k training program
- sub 33 min 10k training program
- sub 35 min 10k training program
- sub 40 min 10k training program
- sub 45 min 10k training program
- sub 50 min 10k training program
- sub 55 min 10k training program
- sub 60 min 10k training program
Read this program tips before starting the sub 35min and faster training program
Well, you have come this far .. however there are at least 3 to 4 components missing from these programs .. we will now begin to introduce these components which make the program an even greater success :
- The Off Training Period - Rest and Recovery
- The Build Up Period follows the R&R
- The Race period for the Racers - aimed at the more elite
Forums for our 10k Training Programs - Feedback and Advice · TheEd's Blog
For further INFO regarding the schedules see the articles:
Thoughts Behind The Programs
Your Starting Point
In the long run – You’ll find endurance
Welcome to the 'in the long run - you`ll find endurance'. Here you will find the reasons behind the use of the long run. - Dave Spence - ex-resident coach, Cape Town The long run is the cornerstone of marathon training. In marathon training it has been found that 3 runs of 28-35 km over the 8 weeks … [Read More...]
Reduce training intensity during corona pandemic
It is advisable to reduce the intensity of training during corona pandemic. For may of us Spring is THE time when we want to get back into running. The liberating feeling of going out in the sunshine and running on bare pavements after a long snowy winter is probably something only the ones living in areas where winter … [Read More...]
Aim to trim down interval recoveries
The article 'Aim to trim down interval recoveries' helps in understanding the importance of recovery between intervals - Dave Spence Trimming down your recovery intervals is not a training trick. It is a proven way to heighten the average intensity of your workouts, improve your speed stamina, enhance your … [Read More...]
10k Training Programs
Applying short-term goals in your running training cycles - Everyone knows that setting … [Read More...]
For decades, interval training has been used by endurance athletes to improve their … [Read More...]
I would like to share some of my own tips for interval training. Interval training is one … [Read More...]
Over the years we have developed a strategy as to 'how to race your best 10k'. The … [Read More...]
sub 55 minute 10k - Firstly, what must be understood is that in order for you to run sub … [Read More...]
sub 60 minutes 10k - Firstly, what must be understood is that in order for you to run sub … [Read More...]
Further information to make a success out of your 10k training programs. Please note, … [Read More...]
Further information to make a success out of your 10k training programs. You have … [Read More...]
Further information to make a success out of your 10k training programs. Please … [Read More...]
Firstly, what must be understood is that in order for you to run sub 31 minutes for 10Km, … [Read More...]
Water Running
Water running in the deep end of the pool is quite advantageous as an alternative workout … [Read More...]
Listed below are the warning signs of overtraining: In the Muscles Persistent soreness … [Read More...]
Continuous Training
Cardiorespiratory; heart and lungs, and their ability to deliver the efficient supply of … [Read More...]
Interval Training
For decades, interval training has been used by endurance athletes to improve their … [Read More...]
I would like to share some of my own tips for interval training. Interval training is one … [Read More...]
Matching training characteristics to physiological changes Which is "better", Interval … [Read More...]
The article below leads on from the first article Understanding Intervals … [Read More...]
The article below leads on from the 1st article The Interpretation of Understanding … [Read More...]
Fartlek Training
The word fartlek is a Swedish word that translates directly into “speed play”. Fartlek is … [Read More...]
Derived from the Swedish term that means 'Speed Play', fartlek can provide an excellent … [Read More...]
From a coaching perspective, the creation of a fartlek session is to achieve two things, … [Read More...]
The following are considered the favourite six Fartlek sessions for athletes, which are … [Read More...]
Heart Rate Training
Training-Sensitive Zone Maximum exercise heart rate is on most occasions determined … [Read More...]
If you are reading the MAPP, chances are you already use heart rate as a measure of your … [Read More...]
Dave Cattanach writes about his experiences of utilising the Heart rate Monitor in his … [Read More...]