Welcome to the Beginners section
The 'beginners' section will provide information about making your first steps, 'How to start running with 10 easy tips' towards your first fun run and how to join a club in your area.
Time-to-Run will provide you with all the information you need to buy your first pair of shoes, what to eat, how to train and where to go to meet 'likewise' beginners starting out.
Articles just in:
Starting out: for Absolute Beginners and Beginners
We aim to please with the continual updating of the content.
View : Start at the beginning with
- How to start running with 10 easy steps
- 'Buying your first pair of running shoes'
- 'getting started - the beginning'
- 'Warm up routine - gently does it'
- 'How to take your pulse - keeping your finger on the beat'
As a beginner do not get too involved in all the jargon and 'new' ways of training until you have achieved the first 6 weeks of training as prescribed. At the end of these 6 weeks you will have learnt a reasonable amount of new running related 'terms' to put you further on the road to becoming one of the pack.
Articles: This schedule is for those who started with getting started - the beginning and have progressed to the programs below.
- Prepare for your first 5 kilometre event
- Prepare for your first 8 kilometre event
- Prepare for your first 10 kilometre event
More articles to follow

Progression, albeit slowly
Welcome to my; me Dizzy Daisy's report back. You can follow me as I dazzle the world with my style and excellence with some exercise thrown in to simply exalt . And do remember, we don't sweat, we glow. We are just exquisite. This is DizzyDaisy’s second report back and she is now closer to running her first 5K – … [Read More...]

My first attempt
Welcome to my, me Dizzy Daisy's report back. You can follow me as I dazzle the world with my style and excellence with some exercise thrown in to simply exalt . And do remember, we don't sweat, we glow. We are just exquisite. I was mean, I was keen, I was simply going to do it. But no, the nasty part of … [Read More...]

Dizzy Daisy background
Well here I am, the upper levels of Time-to-Run Beginners' department have spoken me into getting my chassis into gear and getting onto a program with them. As a duckling I was never ugly and I enjoyed water sports the most. Yes, I could waddle a little however that is as far as my little feet would take me. … [Read More...]

Prepare First 5k - Well done. You have made it. You have progressed through the beginners … [Read More...]

Warm up routine - gently does it A good warm up is essential in training and racing. Now … [Read More...]

OK, you've made it to the start of week 3, not much should change now. In the next 2 weeks … [Read More...]

The best thing any person exercising can do is monitor their pulse. Your pulse is a great … [Read More...]